Tag Archive for: Bob Proctor

I was sitting in the hot tub tonight looking out toward the Gulf of Mexico and replaying the last eight months in my mind.  I recall when I gave my notice at my corporate America job it was the single hardest thing I have ever done.  I had heard stories of others doing the same thing and when I heard them, I couldn’t even phathom the idea of doing myself.  Aferall, I was in an executive level position with even higher levels of positions and salaries locked in my sights.  I gave my notice anyway and I give thanks every single day for making that choice.

What I have learned from this experience is that when you give gratitude for things that have not yet happened, amazing things start showing up.  For me, each morning and evening I give thanks to God for all the wonderful gifts that are on its way as well as the ones I have already received.  I believe that this opens doorways because when you give gratitude for something you don’t have, it is like you are telling the universe it has already happened.

Bob Proctor uses something called a “Goal Card.”  On this Goal Card he starts each goal this way, “I am so happy and grateful now that…..”  I think it is an ingenious idea and it is what I have been doing since for the past eight months. 

Give gratitude daily and watch what wonders the universe has in store for you.

Peace AND Gratitude,
