Tag Archive for: Exercise

Earlier today, I was making a goal card to put in my pocket.  I put packing tape on it to keep it from tearing up.  When I was trimming the edges, a piece of tape fell on the floor.  I looked down and could not find it anywhere.  I rubbed my hand over the carpet but did not see or feel it at all.  I forgot about it and walked away.

When I came back to my office later, I saw it immediately.  It got me thinking.  Just because you can’t see something, doesn’t mean it is not there.  It is kind of like the power of positive thinking.  It is not something you can see, but for me, I know it is there.  If you work too hard at positive thinking, you can easily miss the message or miss something right in front of your eyes.  When you learn to trust that all will work out, it will.  It is through positive thinking and visualization that you get to reach your goals.

A very easy way to start working on your own positive thinking is to do a fun and easy exercise called, “Take Out Your STINKIN’ Trash”.  Click on the link and check it out.  It is the very first step to changing negative thinking to something positive.  I know I take my trash out all the time and when I do, I feel so SA-WEET!

Peace and gratitude,
