Welcome to IDontStink.com!
Have you ever felt down in the dumps and needed some cheering up? Well, Bill King is in the process of rebuilding his website IDontStink.com and it’s going to be full of fun and positive messages to help you feel better.
You’ll meet Sweetie, Stanky, and all of their friends who are always ready to put a smile on your face. There are all kinds of cool things to explore, and the best part is, they’re always adding new and awesome content to keep you entertained. So, next time you’re feeling a little blue, head over to IDontStink.com and let Sweetie, Stanky, and their pals brighten up your day!
$a_times = round($all_total / $max);
$am_total = $all_total – ($a_times * $max);
} else {
$am_total = $all_total;
global $current_user;
Login here to enter and track your own kind acts.

Everyone’s Total:
Translated: Negative thoughts STINK!
This site has been designed to help you rid yourself of negative STINKIN’ things. I believe what you focus on EXPANDS. I know some of you will be saying, “What’s all this STINK about, and why are you making me focus on my STENCH by capitalizing all the STINKIN’ words?” The text is designed in such a way as to overload you with negative things to bring awareness to how you normally process information. Unfortunately, most of us focus a lot on negative thoughts during our typical day without even knowing it. The first step to getting your STINK OUT is becoming aware of your negative STINKIN’ thoughts. Once you are aware of them, you will have the ability to do get rid of them and replace them with something SWEET. If you weren’t aware, you wouldn’t be able to do anything about them. This site will help you get started and provide you a place to come back to often.
There is a wealth of information on this site to get you on your way to SWEET AROMAS. As you can see, there is a Kindness Meter to log your kind acts; however, there is something even more COOL about the Kindness Meter. When you register your email for a free login, you will have YOUR VERY OWN PERSONAL KINDNESS METER. You can track your very own KIND deeds you have done, and your entries automatically feed the public Kindness Meter. Go ahead and set up your login and start seeing SWEET things drawn to you.
Think you STINK? Take the WAY TOO COOL quiz to check your own level of STINKOCITY. After the short quiz, you will get a score from the newly created STINK-O-METER. Then check your STINKING Forecast and get a STINKING prescription to help cure your negative STINKIN’ thoughts.
It is my dream that you will find this site useful and fun to visit. It will be updated often and a bunch more STINKING COOL stuff is coming soon. Tell your friends about this site by clicking here to spread the SWEET SCENTS.