Today’s Message
Everything is energy.  Everything.  Sometimes we need to remove ourselves from negative people who do not support us.  It doesn’t mean that we don’t love them.  It just means that we no longer accept their negative energy in our lives.  Say no and send love to them.

Today’s Quote
“One must separate from anything that forces one to repeat No again and again.” Friedrich Nietzsche

Today’s Message
Forgiveness is one of the keys to happiness. I say forgive and live rather than use the diseased syringe of revenge.

Today’s Quote
“An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.” Mohandas Gandhi

Hi fellow friends, Sweetie here.  Here’s my very first blog post.  For this one, I video taped it with my brand new Mikon camera.  What do you think?  I would love to hear if you like this.

Love right atcha!


I was thinking today about why we have emotions and what purpose they could possibly serve us.  Why would feeling angry, depressed, or fearful be helpful to us?  It seems that we are often taught not to experience these or at least supress them.  The reasons we have emotions are quite simple.  They act as a trigger to let us know we need to do something else.  As an example, if you are feeling fear about an upcoming speech you will be delivering,  fear serves a purpose for you to get yourself prepared.  But at some point, when you have prepared all that you can possibly prepare, fear serves another purpose to let you know that you need to change your perception about the event.  Now you can visualize an amazing speech with everyone giving you a standing ovation.  Soak it in.  Feels nice doesn’t it?  When you do this your state will automatically change which is one of the goals of the emotions anyway.

When faced with a negative emotion, use it as a trigger to do two things.  1) Change your belief about the situation and/or 2) Change your perception about it.  In the speech example above, it would work something like this.  My current state is fearful because I am afraid I will fail and be laughed off the stage.  I change my belief about it by preparing for the speech ahead of time and rehearse it over and over again until I feel confident.  By feeling confident, I changed my state from a negative emotion (fear) to a positive one (confident). 

Peace and gratitude,

I got some very sad news today.  I just learned that Keith Harrell has passed.  I have been (and will continue to be) a big fan of Keith.  I was just so shocked with the news but I am sure that he is in a better place and especially pain free.  We will miss you Keith!

Back in around 2005 or 2006, I was at a corporate event in Atlanta, GA.  I didn’t know it at the time but I was about to witness one of the best motivational performances I have ever had.  Keith literally ran at a full sprint from the very back of the room all the way to the stage.  I thought initially that there was no way he could keep that up for another 30-45 minutes, but he did.  His insights were phenomenal and his material was thought provoking.  I just cannot possibly tell you how awesome this man was. 

His book, AnAttitude of Gratitude, is simply fabulous.  He is fabulous.  We will definitely miss him.  My wife said it best, “A huge, positive light has gone out in the world!”

With loving memory and peace,

February’s Positive Pathways Newsletter has just been released!  It focused on Prevent Bullying and featured the incredible bullying expert Annie Fox. Checkout the online version by  or for future ones you can get it emailed directly to your inbox by joining our list link at the top of the page. 

Peace and gratitude,

I have decided to make this fun Valentine’s Day arts and crafts activity available to everyone.  It was actually posted a few weeks ago in the membership content area, but I wanted to offer it to you in celebration of the day.  Click here to open the page for instructions, guidelines and suggestions for creating your very own personal Valentine’s Day cards.  You will see two templates, one using Sweetie and the other one using Stanky.

BONUS: Send an animated Valentine’s Day eCard.  Click here to open the card and send it to others you love.  It will certainly put a smile on your face and love in your heart.

I watched an excellent documentary last night called, Still Bill.  It was about the life and times of singer Bill Withers.  He said something in the film that caught my attention.  Here it is:  “It’s okay to head out for wonderful.  But on your way to wonderful your going to have to pass through alright.  When you get to alright, take a good look around and get used to it.”

After hearing that it got me thinking.  I believe a lot of the people today want instant gratification.  They want all the glory but are not willing to do what it takes to achieve the success.  There are no shortcuts to success; however, there are ways to achieve your goals faster.  It is a simple process.  Think positive thoughts, visualize what you want, use a positive vocabulary, and act on your intuition.

With peace and gratitude,

I left Monday afternoon for a business trip to Chicago.  I was scheduled to return Wednesday night but mother nature had other plans.  Now I will be here until Friday afternoon due to the major snow storm that is currently hitting Chicago.  Here’s a video that I took after having dinner early this evening. 

Peace and gratitude,

Click IMG_0242 to see the video…

I am still working on my next Positive Pathways newsletter.  I am hopeful to get it out this week or next week for sure.  It is TOTALLY FREE.  All you have to do is sign-up by going to any page on and click on the “Join Our Email List” banner at the top of the page.  All I need is your name and email address.  Then you can sign up for the Positive Pathways list or the several others I offer.  It’s that easy!  PLUS, when you sign up, you will get some pretty cool FREE gifts.  Cha-Ching!!

Love and gratitude,