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My eNewsletter contains information about new techniques for Positive Thinking. The regular monthly sections include:
- STINK of the Month – News reports having to do with something that smells
- SMELLIN’ Salt – Positive news stories that has a positive impact on people
- SWEET Sense – A positive article on beliefs and awareness thinkYOUstink? – Questions to determine if you STINK that month
- Take Out Your Trash – An exercise section to help you rid yourself of STINKIN’ THINKIN’
- Positive Points – Positive, inspirational quotes
We also have an email that is delivered daily to your inbox that is called “Daily Positive Points.” They contain a positive message, an action item or affirmation and an inspirational quote of the day. They are delivered Monday – Friday.
Click the link above to sign up now!

This is SWEET MAN. I could incorporate this for my middle school students, who thinks life really stinks. Awesome. I love it & thank you & Louise Hay for these wonderful Gifts.
Kathie. J
This is SWEET MAN. I could incorporate this for my middle school students, who thinks life really stinks. Awesome. I love it & thank you & Louise Hay for these wonderful Gifts.Kathie. J