Meet our bloggers!

Below is the list of our A-MAZ-ING bloggers for STINKIN’ THININ’ STINKS. Please take a moment to check them out because they are really amazing.


graceheadshotMy name is Grace Hodgin and I am a book reviewer and social media specialist for authors and small business owners. I live life with a positive outlook and am confirmed that there are more good people in the world than those that are misguided. I always find those great people on my travels as I explore and appreciate the places I go and the people I meet on the road of life. I have two fantastic adult children and three wonderful grand kids who I encourage to be creative and inspire them to use their imaginations.


bwBarb Webb is a freelance writer in Appalachian Kentucky. When she’s not chasing live crabs around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s writing about country living and artisan culture.An award-winning author, with a diverse publishing background ranging from curriculum design to social media, Barb has been featured in magazines such as Woman’s WorldCountry WomanRedbookMSN MoneyWomen’s Day, and American Profile.Barb Webb is also the Owner/Editor of the popular blogs and, a columnist for, and the Paper Crafts Editor at

Her husband, three children, new grandchild and all the chickens in the coop indulge her quirks, love of all things green and desire to help others.
Connect with Barb daily on Rural Mom

PamPam Wattenbarger – June Cleaver Wannabee? Nope. I’m an imperfect mom, housewife, and teacher who’s more likely to ask my hubby to bring me a coke than deliver one to him. Unless I’m already up. Join me as I attempt to balance my family and my life–without wearing pearls and heels at



My name is Grace Hodgin and I am a book reviewer and social media specialist for authors and small business owners. I live life with a positive outlook and am confirmed that there are more good people in the world than those that are misguided. I always find those great people on my travels as I explore and appreciate the places I go and the people I meet on the road of life. I have two fantastic adult children and three wonderful grand kids who I encourage to be creative and inspire them to use their imaginations.



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