Tag Archive for: Suicide


One person takes their own life every 40 seconds, equating to 803,900 deaths across the world every year, according to the first World Health Organization report on suicide prevention released today. “Preventing Suicide: A Global Imperative” calls for co-ordinated action to reduce suicide worldwide.  Click here to read the full article.

This piece came as a surprise to me, but a welcomed one. Awareness is so critical to start making changes. We can no longer stand on the sidelines ignoring this growing epidemic.  803,000 deaths a year, really? Sure we hear about the celebrities like Robin Williams committing suicide but what about all the others?

I highly encourage you to go to the Stand for the Silent website and check them out. Be sure to click on the “Our Story” link and read some of them. It is simply heartbreaking but at the same time, we must take a stand for love, forgiveness, empathy, and acceptance.

We all can and do make a difference in the world. Awareness is one of the keys but action is what sets things in motion. Take a stand. Stand for the silent. Please.

With gratitude and peace,