Tag Archive for: T Harv Eker

You’ve done it. I’ve done it. Just about everyone’s done it. So, if everyone’s set goals at some point in their life, why isn’t everyone experiencing success, happiness, abundance and joy? That’s the real question.

I have studied for years and years and years the true masters like Tony Robbins, Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay and T. Harv Eker to name a few on the power of setting goals keeping positive. I have also practiced and failed so many times I can’t even recall here.  But one thing is for certain, they work.  And once you experience success from setting them, you are well on your way.

However, my problem was that I would experience success but then not really understand why the goal was achieved and thus didn’t completely replicate it. This was done many, many times over the past 15-20 years.  But then I got it and it was so simple I couldn’t believe the simplicity.

It was something I learned from T Harv (but I believe he learned from Tony Robbins). It was, “What we focus on EXPANDS.”  So, at one point I started practicing setting goals while ALSO focusing on them regularly, and I achieved my goals at lightning speed. I even used it in the business world too! I was regularly completing complex contract negotiations consisting of over millions and millions of dollars in only a few weeks while others with the same suppliers spent months to do. AND, I was getting better results.  I was simply amazed.

The problem is that it is easy to forget. Something negative would happen and guess what? You got it, I would unconsciously focus on the negative issues and experience more of exactly what I didn’t want. But, the beauty is to simply become aware of it and when I did, I could reverse it in a few minutes, for real!

This week’s Daily Positive Points is dedicated to Tony Robbins and his Ultimate Edge program I took a several years back.  Today’s action step is to start setting goals so let’s do a quick exercise.

Today, join with me in setting a minimum of 3 goals in the following categories: Personal, Emotional and Social.  Feel free to email me at bill@positract.com or post in the comment section here if you would like to share them.

Remember, what you FOCUS on EXPANDS so keep your thoughts on the POSITIVE aspects of the goals you set.  Together, let’s make a difference in the world!

With gratitude and peace,