Tag Archive for: To Dos

From the beginning of 2006 I have had a daily ritual that has served me quite well. It is outlined in my 7 Days To Inner Peace book and if you are not using some sort of To Do list, you really need to reconsider.  It has been a tool that has helped me achieve more success than just about any tool I have tried.  Yesterday, I got the idea to change it up just a bit and thought I would share it with you.

For the past 3 years I create a daily To Do list that covers what I will do that day.  About a month ago, I changed it up to include weekly goals along with daily tasks.  Now I am re-evaluating that to include something even better.  I created goals for: 1 month – 3 months – 6 months – 12 months.  Now, when I create my weekly goals, I will first look at the 12 month goals, then 6, then 3, and finally goals for the month.  this allows me to stay focused on what I want to create for the year.

I believe that just by identifying what your goals are for the year will serve as an affirmation in and of itself.  If you don’t know what you want, how do you know if you got it?  Breaking things down into smaller tasks will certainly keep me focused, thus creating what I desire.  Remember, what you FOCUS on EXPANDS so stay focused on what you desire and what it show up in your life.

Peace, love, and gratitude,
