Bullying Books

Although most people have some experience of being bullied at school, at work or in some other place, it often happens that they are unable to help others who are dealing with the same problem. This is why it is recommendable to read bullying books in order not only to get consolation and feel less alone, but also to learn how to detect bullying traits in yourself and others and how to handle physical or psychological abuse.

Bullying affects both the bully and the victim, but other people are involved in the process, too. There are several different kinds of bystanders and all of them are negatively influenced by what’s going on in front of their eyes – some will join the bully and become aggressors themselves; some will think “It’s none of my business” and walk away without helping a fellow human being; some will feel the urge to intervene and separate those involved, but will be too afraid to do so, which in turn will result in a feeling of shame and guilt for not acting. All bullying books suggest that the most efficient way of handling such matters is by reporting them to an authority (a parent, teacher, etc.) the moment they take place, otherwise it is difficult to gather evidence and prove what really occurred.

Victims usually get more attention and professional help than bullies, but it should be known that aggressors are also in dire need of psychological guidance in order to improve their anger management. Apart from abusing others, bullies often act destructively towards themselves as well and exhibit many antisocial forms of behavior, such as stealing, lying, vandalizing property, fighting etc. Bullying books can help both the victim and the bully become more functional members of society.


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