We recorded tonight’s conference call for the We Don’t STINK Kids Club.  Click here to listen to the archive.  This conference call was specifically for the Denton, TX charter membership group.  The virtual kids club will have its own call coming up in a few weeks.  Please contact us with any questions or comments you have about the club.

We are excited to start such an incredible kids club in North Texas.  Be sure to share this information with anyone who has kids living in the the north Texas area.

With peace and much gratitude,


We are offering a conference call on Thursday, June 10th at 7:00 PM CST to inform everyone about our new Kids Club.  We Don’t STINK Kids Club offers a fun environment where kids learn about positive thinking, build self-esteem, show kindness, and reach for their highest potential.  Dial in number is 219-509-8222 and the participant code is 5081650Long distance charges do apply.

This call is targeted for parents with kids that live in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.  We will also have a teleconference for the virtual kids club in a few weeks.  We Don’t STINK Kid’s Club will officially launch in July.  Look for updates here.

With peace and gratitude,


This year for our annual Kindness Challenge we are going to do something a little different.  This year’s challenge is called, “Half of Something Kindness Challenge.”  The challenge will begin July 1st and run through August 30th.  The premise is that everyone can give up half of something.  Maybe you spend one hour a day playing video games.  Your challenge would be to give up half that time and do something kind during that time.  Easy right?

We will be putting more details around the challenge and encourage you to participate and tell as many people as you can about it.  Full details and how you can participate will be coming within the next few weeks.

Peace and gratitude,


Picture this.  You are sitting on the bench during the NBA Finals.  Your team is down 25 points with 5 minutes left in game 7.  The coach, deciding to give up, calls your name.  He wants to clear the bench so everyone gets a chance to play.  As a 46 year old rookie, this could be your final game.  You step on the court and drain a 3 pointer from the corner.  Next time down the court, you drain another one.  You have now made 7 in a row, and your team is charging back.  The coach is in complete shock but doesn’t change up the line up because it is working.  You now have made 10 of 13 three pointers for 30 points, and your team is within 3 points with 8 seconds left.  The ball comes to you, and you drill it from deep in the corner as time runs out.  Tied score!

In overtime, you drill your first 2 – 3 pointers, and the game is back and forth.  Now there are 3 seconds left, your team has the ball, and you are down 2 points.  You get open in the corner again.  The ball comes to you, and the buzzer goes off just as the ball slips off your fingertips.  The entire area is in complete silence.  Everything seems to be in slow motion.  The whole world is watching and holding their breath. 

The ball approaches the rim and SWOOSH!  Nothing but net!  You throw your arms in the air, make a fist, and scream YES!  You just won the NBA championship, scored 39 points, and were awarded the MVP.  SA-WEET!

Well, this was just how my day started.  I worked out at the gym, and after I was done stretching, I shot some hoops for at least an hour.  This was just one of the games I won this morning.  In doing so, it reminded me of the times when I would shoot basketball nearly every night as a kid and play imaginary games in my head.  I would practice for hours and hours.  After my game-winning shot, I felt great.  I had lots of energy and was able to get a lot accomplished today.

Sometimes having fun is just the ticket to improve your emotional state.  Through visualization, I was transported to a victorious state where anything was possible.  It’s kind of like life, you know.  First you think it.  Then you say it.  First you think it.  Then you do it.  First you think it.  Then you achieve it.

With peace and loads of gratitude,


IDontSTINK.com is proud to announce our first Charter Kids Club.  It is called “We Don’t STINK Kids Club” and will be an amazing club for kids this summer and throughout the year.  It will be filled will all sorts of activities and COOL STINKIN’ stuff that’s for sure.  The kids will be having so much fun that they will not be aware that they are learning powerful techniques to help them deal with STINKIN’ THINKIN’. 

Our mission statement: We Don’t STINK Kids Club offers a fun environment where kids learn about positive thinking, build self-esteem, show kindness, and reach for their highest potential.

Want to learn more?  We are holding a WebEx Thursday, June 10th at 7PM.  We will cover all the details of this new kids club that will holding all of its meetings in Denton, TX.  Send us an email at bill@positract.com so we can send you the invite.  Also, we will be launching a virtual “We Don’t STINK Kids Club” at the same time.  This will allow kids from all over the world to participate in the fun activities of the Denton, TX club.  We will be holding an information WebEx in about 2-3 weeks to explain the details of the virtual club.

Fun stuff is happening at idontstink.com.  Keep checking our blog, friend us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to keep up to date on these activities.

With lots of peace and gratitude,


I am getting very close to finally finishing my latest book for kids, STINKIN’ THINKIN’ STINKS.  It teaches positive thinking in fun and humorous way.  We are now working on illustrations for each of the chapters and when that is completed, it will be off to book design for the final layout of it.  Each time I think I am done, I find one more thing to make it just a littel better.  I finally believe I am there.  We did finish the book cover but not quite ready to share with everyone but I can tell you it is AWESOME!  Keep checking here for updates on the book.  The book release is currently scheduled for a fall release.

With peace and gratitude,


I thought today’s message was a good day to post my Daily Positive Points email.  Below is the message and you can sign up for FREE at idontstink.com.  These messages are delivered Monday thru Friday in the morning as a way to get your day started off on a positive note. 

Today’s Message
Compassion is a powerful tool that transforms lives.  Rather than get disgusted, frustrated or angry at a fellow person, choose compassion instead. Say this right now: “Today, I will focus on seeing from the other person’s point of view.”  The moment something happens that creates an instant reaction from you, stop yourself and repeat the statement again.  When you do this, you are certain to be less likely to act in an unloving fashion.
Note: Today’s exercise comes from 7 Days to Inner Peace, Building Block 6: Compassion 

Today’s Quote

“Three quarters of the miseries and misunderstandings in the world would finish if people were to put on the shoes of their adversaries and understood their points of view.” Mahatma Gandhi (Indian Philosopher, internationally esteemed for his doctrine of nonviolent protest, 1869-1948)

Believe it. See it. Love it!
With peace and gratitude,

I thought you might like a few positive quotes for your Sunday. 

“Hope is the companion of power, and mother of success; for who so hopes strongly has within him the gift of miracles.” Samuel Smiles (Scottish author, 1812-1904)

“To need nothing is divine, and the less a man needs the nearer does he approach to divinity.” Socrates (Ancient Greek Philosopher, 470 BC-399 BC)

“Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.” Brian Tracy (American television host)

“If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person’s point of view and see things from that person’s angle as well as from your own.” Henry Ford (American industrialist and pioneer of the assembly-line production method, 1863-1947)

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” Howard Thurman (American Theologian, Clergyman and Activist. 1900-1981)

With peace and gratitude,


What is a STINKISM you ask?  A STINKISM is a term that is used to describe a situation, event, quote, or even a person that contains some sort of STINKIN’ THINKIN’ in it.  A typical STINKISM applies to a translation of an otherwise inspirational or motivational quote from a slightly different viewpoint.  Below is an example to help illustrate what one is.

Positive Quote:Winners make a habit of manufacturing their own positive expectations in advance of the event.” Brian Tracy 
STINKISM #1: Don’t be a STINKIN’ LOSER by expecting negative STINKIN’ things to happen.

With peace and gratitude,


One thing I have learned is that when my head tells me to stay in bed and not go to the gym in the morning, that is a sure sign for me to do just that. This morning I wasn’t feeling very well and had just about talked myself in to sleeping a little longer. I quickly realized that it was my que to get up and get going. I went to the gym and after only a few reps, I felt 100% better. By the time I got back home, I was ready to rock and roll! Had I stayed in bed, I would have more than likely been sluggish all day.  Instead, I got a lot accomplished and actually still going at it tonight.  So, the next time you don’t want to get out of bed, ignore it and go get some exercise.  Or, at minimum, take 10 minutes and give gratitude to everything in your life.  You can do that, right?

With peace and gratitude,
