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With peace and gratitude,

From today’s Daily Positive Points:

Today’s Message:  You can change.  I can change.  And you know what?  The world is certainly going to change.  One more thing to note here is that we all have something we would like to change.   So, the real question is, “Are we ready today?”  I am!  How about you?  Click here to checkout Friday’s video.
Valentine’s Day eCard Gift from us: Click here to view a Valentine’s Day eCard from idontstink.com.  It requires NO login or registration to view.  Be sure to turn up the sound.  Also, feel free to share the link to the annimated eCard with anyone you know.  Happy Valentine’s Day and Thank You for following us!
Today’s Quote: “I’ve continued to recognize the power individuals have to change virtually anything and everything in their lives in an instant. I’ve learned that the resources we need to turn our dreams into reality are within us, merely waiting for the day when we decide to wake up and claim our birthright.”  Anthony Robbins (Author, Actor & Professional Speaker, b.1960)

Have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!  You deserve it!

With peace and gratitude,


STINKIN’ THINKIN’ STINKS! is my latest book written for ages 9-13.  Although it is taking longer than I expected, I finally have a publication date.  It is scheduled to be released June 22, 2010.  We are in the process of developing the cover design and it is just about ready to go to the editor and book designer.  I have to say that this project has been quite a different one than any of my other books.  It mixes humor with personal development and provides some pretty cool exercises the younger ones will actually want to try.  I also see older children and adults checking it out because of its uniqueness.

Thank you to everyone who has provided me with encouragement on this book.  With 3 years in the making, it is certainly the longest project I have ever attempted.

Peace and gratitude,


Today is the official launch for the brand new vision board software.  I use it every single day and have it on both my laptop and my desktop.  Check out the software when you have a minute.  It is simply incredible!  Here’s a copy of the press release:

Vision Board System (VBS) is the most powerful goal setting and motivation package on the market and is the product of six years of experience. It enables you to visualize your goals and dreams in unique and dynamic ways on your computer screen, mobile phone, iPod, iPhone, photo frame, on your office wall, personal website and so on, using your personal dream images, affirmations and even your chosen audio. VBS combines effective software with superb educational material and ongoing encouragement. Don’t waste another minute. Make this dynamic Vision Board System part of your daily goal achievement TODAY! Click here to learn more!

With tons of gratitude,


Yesterday I got some awesome news.  My friend Garry and I have been working on a book project since October 2008.  We actually met in Jamaica and formed a quick friendship.  We were trying to think of a way that we could help the Ronald McDonald House Charities.  Then, the book idea was formed.  Publish a book with positive stories from people who have worked at McDonald’s and the lessons they learned there.

After 11 months of persistence and determination, we actually have official legal approval to move ahead.  The best part, 100% of the proceeds will go directly to benefit the families with ill children.  The tentative title is, “Transformational Stories from Behind the Counter: Lessons I Learned at McDonald’s.” 

With the official approval, we also get some pretty cool marketing.  Corporate McDonald’s in Chicago is going to advertise for us on their internal website.  The Ronald McDonald House is going to get the word out too.  Now how sweet is that?

If you know of someone who worked at McDonald’s and think that they might like to submit a story, send them to www.fastfoodfunfacts.com to see the details for capturing their story.  We are expecting there to be between 30-50 stories in this project.

 With total gratitude,


I thought it would be a good time to add some positive quotes for you to think about.  What do you think?

“Love wasn’t put in your heart to stay. Love isn’t love until you give it away.” Michael W. Smith (American Singer, b.1957)

“Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls.” Joseph Campbell (American prolific Author, Editor, Philosopher and Teacher, 1904-1987)

“”Success is achieved by developing our strengths, not by eliminating our weaknesses” Marilyn vos Savant (American Journalist and columnist of Ask Marilyn. Billed as the person with the highest IQ (228) ever recorded. b.1946)

“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” E. E. Cummings (American poet 1894-1962)

“I don’t believe in pessimism. If something doesn’t come up the way you want, forge ahead. If you think it’s going to rain, it will.”  Clint Eastwood (Academy Award-Winning Actor, director, producer, & composer, b.1930)

Peace begins with a smile.”  Mother Teresa of Calcutta (Missionary & Nobel Peace Prize Winner 1979, 1910-1997)

“Let fear be a counselor and not a jailer” Tony Robbins (Writer, Professional Motivational Speaker, B.1960)

With peace, joy and gratitude,


When I was headed to workout this morning I had a bit of a delay crossing a major intersection.  Luckily for me, I looked at the time when I first stopped.  I waited and waited and waited and waited and waited and waited.  I waited some more and then even more.  I was just about to cross over and then several cars dotted by again blocking any chance to get to the other side.  I was just about to get frustrated with all this waiting but then there was an opening and I crossed the street.

I drove about a half mile down the road and started thinking about this.  I looked at the clock and that really got me thinking.  Two minutes had passed from the time I stopped until I was already across the street.  JEEEZ!  2 Minutes?  Seriously, that is not long at all.  All this got me thinking.  Why do we have to be in such a hurry all the time.  2 minutes, I still can’t believe that I was starting to get anxious in that short of a time.  Really, 2 minutes!

I am so grateful this happened to me this morning.  It was a good reminder to SLOW down and get with the flow.  Stop trying to rush through life.  I say enjoy the ride and take time to experience the beauty that is all around us.

With gratitude,


After considerable work completed by SUPER COOL Nat, idontstink.com has launched the newest version of the website.  We are in the process of adding more content and images while also giving you some fun ways to work on that STININ’ THINKIN’.   You may some some things look kind of wacky from time to time, but not to worry.  We are working through them.  If you do see something that doesn’t appear right, please shoot us a quick email or leave a comment on the blog.  We have a few fun surprises coming soon too so please keep checking back with us.

I am personally very grateful for all the incredible work my web designer Nat Harris has done getting this phase of the website launched.  He is the most amazing web designer and graphic artist I have ever met.  Thanks Nat!  You ROCK!

With tons of gratitude,


I discovered something interesting today.  No matter how positive a person you can be, you still have to deal with negative STINKIN’ THINKIN’.  I had some stuff come up today that really set me back.  And man, I really STUNK!  Luckily, I have a SUPER COOL wife who helped me get back into a positive mode. 

You have to make a conscious effort to stay positive these days and that is exactly what I am intending this week to be.  And you know what?  This week will be a super one for me.  So, how you are doing?  Are you staying positive and working through the affirmations and visualizations?  I can tell you that I have and it really, really makes a difference for me.  Keep up the good work and have a super fantabuliscious week!

Peace and gratitude,


bonus_1Last night I was thinking about the week ahead of me.  It dawned on me that I have the power to create the kind of week I want.  So, this week I am going to create a happy, peaceful and abundant week.  To assist me in creating the incredible week, I plan to do a 15 minute visualization during the day.  I will also do positive affirmations throughout the day.  I will do these affirmations in the morning, around lunch time, mid afternoon, at supper time and just before I go to sleep.  To supercharge my incredible week, I also plan to do a visualization at bedtime.

We all deserve happiness, peace and prosperity.  Why not join me today in creating the week that you desire?

With peace and gratitude,
