If you missed my interview on Spirit Connections with Donna Voll, you can listen to the archive by going to http://www.achieveradio.com/spirit_connections/#ca.  Feel free to post any comments or questions concerning my interview.

Peace and gratitude,


How do I use vision boards to manifest my goals?  I am not someone who uses only one type, I use several.  Every January 1st since 2000, my family and I create 8×10 picture frames illustrating how we want our year to turn out.  We do 3 frames each and use a variety of different tools to create them such as markers, magazines, stickers, etc.  We put them in a place where we will see them every day.  This has been one of the most powerful tools I have used in creating the life I want.  I am amazed each year as we take down the old ones and notice all the things that were manifested the previous year.

I also create a poster size vision board.  I put it in a place that I will see it each day.  I always leave a little room to add more things/themes as the year goes on.  To fill one up completely it takes me well over a couple of years.

Lastly, I use some software called Vision Board.  This tool is AWESOME and I believe that for me, it may be the most powerful tool I have used.  Because I am typically at my computer a significant amount of time each day, I am constantly reminded about my goals and affirmations.  The tool is unique because it offers a library of affirmations, images, a movie maker, records your voice, allows sharing, & even offers you the option to create a desktop or a printed version.  I especially like the mini popups from the bottom toolbar that has my affirmations used in my screensaver vision board.

Click here to check out Vision Board. I liked the tool so much I am offering some really cool gifts for anyone buying the software.  Once you purchase it, you will get links to 13 gifts (and these gifts are really good I have to add).  I have built a vision board screensaver using this tool and will send it to you if you are interested.  All you have to do is send me an email at bill@positract.com and request a copy.

Whatever you decide to do, start your vision board today.  Whether it is creating picture frames, posters, or software, start today.  I cannot emphasize this enough so get started today.  Be sure to place your vision board in a place you will see it every day.  I would love to see pictures of your vision boards once you create them so send me some images when you are ready.

Happy Manifesting!  Peace and gratitude,


When I was walking on the beach this morning I noticed several pieces of trash.  I walked to my regular spot where I turn around and head back when it dawned one.  How many people walk by noticing trash in the street, in a park, by a lake, by an ocean, etc. and don’t do anything.  I thought, why not me? and why not now? 

So on my way back, I looked for anything that needed to be taken to a trash can.  Very quickly I started noticing lots of cigarette butts.  Each time I bent over to pick one up I woud think, how is this really helping?  I continued this for a good 20 minutes and had at least 50 of them in my hand when I had a thought.  That thought was how can I really make a difference?  There was no way I could pick up all the cigarette butts up and it seemed the more I looked for them, the more I saw.  I continued for another 10 minutes and made 3 trips to the trash cans to drop off my collection.  I thought about what I was doing and it dawned on me, yes, I can and did make a difference, at least for this beach on this day. 

It is kind of like the kindness challenge on my idontstink.com website.  It all starts with one kind act at a time.  If you try to fix the whole beach, the whole city, the whole country, the whole world, you probably will not get very far.  Start changing the world you see by doing one kind act today.  Then if the urge exists, do more kind acts for yourself and others.  That is how you make a difference.  As Gandhi put is so clearly, “We must be the change we wish to see in the world.” 

Peace, love and gratitude,


Here are a few more pictures that I thought you might enjoy of Destin, Florida.

Peace and gratitude,


Yesterday I was watching some pelicans fly by me as I was sitting on the beach.  While watching them it was very clear that they were using teamwork and staying focused on their ulitmate objective: survival.  At some point in their evolution, they learned that when they work together thier chances of finding food was significantly increased.

I believe we can learn a valuable lesson from these birds.  No matter how good you are at what you do, there is always someone else that can help you achieve your goals.  For me, I frequently attend seminars and workshops to help me grow both personally and professionally.  I suggest that you find someone who can mentor or coach you, I certainly do.  Even though I coach and mentor others, I have found it extremely benificial to get coached myself.  Initially I thought I didn’t need any assistance but man, I was way wrong.  Getting coached and attending seminars has helped me take giant leaps toward achieving my goals. 

Once you get a coach or attend some seminars and workshops, the next step is to stay focused on your goals.  Get the attitude of “I can and I WILL do this” and accept nothing but a positive result.  You know, that part of you that “steps it up” when it is a do or die situation.  You can achieve anything you desire, just seek help from others and then have a focused determination to do whatever it takes to achieve it.  You CAN do this and I know you WILL.

Peace and gratitude,
