I am thrilled to announce the launching of a project that will transform the world as we know it and turn this financial crisis on its head.

The SHIFT Project is the brain-child of my good friend bestselling author Sonia Ricotti and her wonderful team at Lead Out Loud. It will not only help you glide through these turbulent economic times with ease but it will have you achieve greatness and live the life of your dreams despite all that is going on around the world!

Sonia’s SHIFT 21 Day Challenge Audio Program will transform your life in 21 days! You will achieve prosperity, inner peace, happiness, and bring back the passion in your life like never before!

You will also receive advice and coaching from some of the most amazing transformational leaders on the planet! Listen to some of it for free right now! Click here to check out this amazing offer!.

Peace, gratitude, and SHIFT,


P.S. This project is literally worth thousands of dollars but Sonia and her team want it to be accessible to everyone during these tough times. You will be stunned at the cost (and it’s risk-free)! Click here to check out this amazing offer!

From the beginning of 2006 I have had a daily ritual that has served me quite well. It is outlined in my 7 Days To Inner Peace book and if you are not using some sort of To Do list, you really need to reconsider.  It has been a tool that has helped me achieve more success than just about any tool I have tried.  Yesterday, I got the idea to change it up just a bit and thought I would share it with you.

For the past 3 years I create a daily To Do list that covers what I will do that day.  About a month ago, I changed it up to include weekly goals along with daily tasks.  Now I am re-evaluating that to include something even better.  I created goals for: 1 month – 3 months – 6 months – 12 months.  Now, when I create my weekly goals, I will first look at the 12 month goals, then 6, then 3, and finally goals for the month.  this allows me to stay focused on what I want to create for the year.

I believe that just by identifying what your goals are for the year will serve as an affirmation in and of itself.  If you don’t know what you want, how do you know if you got it?  Breaking things down into smaller tasks will certainly keep me focused, thus creating what I desire.  Remember, what you FOCUS on EXPANDS so stay focused on what you desire and what it show up in your life.

Peace, love, and gratitude,


Back in December, on my wedding anniversary, my wife and I went to see Brave Combo in concert with the Las Colinas Symphony Orchestra.  It was a Christmas show that I will always remember.  Brave Combo, a new wave Polka Band, had people dancing in the aisles, dancing in the seats, and even had some dancing on the stage.  I have been to many Christmas concerts in my time but nothing like this.  I will say that I have been to some fabulous Christmas concerts but what Brave Combo provided cannot compare to anything I have ever witnessed. 

I had no idea what to expect because everyone who had ever heard of them told me, “Well, they are different.”  They did not say it in bad way or anything like that.  I think it was because Brave Combo is so hard to explain exactly what they do.  Even now, I find it very difficult to give specifics about their concert other than to say that I left concert feeling so good.  Who would have thought that I would be doing the “Twist” and the chicken dance at a Christmas concert?  How do your really explain that where others would understand?  That should tell you enough.  The positive energy displayed through the evening was exactly what my soul needed.  What a great way to spend my anniversary!

THANK YOU Brave Combo for such an AWESOME performance and THANK YOU Las Colinas Symphony Orchestra  for having them perform.  PLEASE have them back next year!  One last thing I want to repeat here is that this was BY FAR my favorite Christmas concert ever.

Peace and gratitude,


Today marks 23 years of marriage to my most beautiful wife, Tami.  As I was thinking about what to say here about our time together, I decided to include something I had written about her in a book that has yet to be completed.  It really does express my feelings about our relationship.  Enjoy!weddingpic

Beauty can only get you so far, but she had it all. When I met her that day, my heart felt a connection that words could not describe. As I said before, I never really believed in love at first site, but mine was really love at first smile. She remains the most beautiful person I have ever met because her spirit is so pure. She may not believe it all the time, but that doesn’t make it untrue. She has more beauty, style, grace, poise, charm, personality, charisma, character, and spirit than anyone I have ever met. She is the kindest, loveliest woman that there ever could be.

She is my greatest teacher. She has taught me love, friendship, self-esteem, confidence, courage, self-worth, honesty, forgiveness, and how to be a better person. She has taught me more than any one person could ever teach me about myself. She is my light, my joy, my happiness, my friend, the love of my life, and most of all, my one true soul mate.

Happy Anniversay Tami!  I love you!

Love and gratitude,


If you missed my interview on Spirit Connections with Donna Voll, you can listen to the archive by going to http://www.achieveradio.com/spirit_connections/#ca.  Feel free to post any comments or questions concerning my interview.

Peace and gratitude,


Here are a few more pictures that I thought you might enjoy of Destin, Florida.

Peace and gratitude,


Yesterday I was watching some pelicans fly by me as I was sitting on the beach.  While watching them it was very clear that they were using teamwork and staying focused on their ulitmate objective: survival.  At some point in their evolution, they learned that when they work together thier chances of finding food was significantly increased.

I believe we can learn a valuable lesson from these birds.  No matter how good you are at what you do, there is always someone else that can help you achieve your goals.  For me, I frequently attend seminars and workshops to help me grow both personally and professionally.  I suggest that you find someone who can mentor or coach you, I certainly do.  Even though I coach and mentor others, I have found it extremely benificial to get coached myself.  Initially I thought I didn’t need any assistance but man, I was way wrong.  Getting coached and attending seminars has helped me take giant leaps toward achieving my goals. 

Once you get a coach or attend some seminars and workshops, the next step is to stay focused on your goals.  Get the attitude of “I can and I WILL do this” and accept nothing but a positive result.  You know, that part of you that “steps it up” when it is a do or die situation.  You can achieve anything you desire, just seek help from others and then have a focused determination to do whatever it takes to achieve it.  You CAN do this and I know you WILL.

Peace and gratitude,


This morning I saw a bunch of dolphins playing around not far from the shore.  It was difficult but I did get a couple of pictures of them.  There was a baby dolphin that came completely out of the water several times.  It was so awesome to see wild dolphins playing around.

As I took my morning walk down the beach, a few times they came very close to the shore.  It was best beach walk ever with dolphins all over the place.  I wish I had brought my camera because I would have been able to get some really close up shots.

Peace and gratitude from Destin, Florida,


November 1st Sunset

Saturday my wife and I arrived in Destin, FL.  I thought I would post some of the pictures I take of the water, the ocean, sunrises, sunsets, etc.  Check out the past two sunsets.

Peace, love, and gratitude,


Tonight's Sunset

Tonight's Sunset

Last week I was fortunate enough to get to go on a 7 day Western Caribbean cruise.  We visited Nassau Bahamas, Jamaica, and Grand Cayman Island.  It was such a great cruise and I met some awesome people.

It was a seminar cruise and I met some very famous speakers and authors.  I met Michael Beckwith of the AGAPE center, Mark Victor Hanson, Larry Wilson, and many others.  Michael Beckwith did two early morning shows which were absolutely awesome.  You know, that man really lives what he preaches.  He and his wife Ricki are really incredible people who you should take some time to learn about what they are doing in LA.  Go to http://www.agapelive.com/ to check them out.

I was able to visit the Dunns River Falls in Jamaica and get some really good shots.







One of my favorite shots was standing near the falls and looking out to the ocean.  What do you think? 

Peace and gratitude,
