Tag Archive for: Positive Quotes

Today’s Message

The use of our words is more powerful than we could have ever imagined. I believe our goal is to become aware of what we say so we use words that empower versus ones that terminate and expire positive thoughts in others.  The choice of our words simply imitates the emotions inside us.


I use only positive, uplifting words today. I feel good and I let everyone know it.

Today’s Quote

“Be Impeccable With Your Word. Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.” ~The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

NOTE: This week I will be using quotes from one of the most powerful books I have ever read, The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz.  He makes it so simple that anyone who attempts the four agreements will certainly change their life forever.

Be the person that does the most TWEETS, RETWEETS, Forwards, Mentions on Blogs, & Shares on FACEBOOK of these Daily Positive Points and you will win a FREE hardcopy of The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz plus a copy of my 7 Days to Inner Peace.  Contest rules are simple:1) Re-Tweet my Daily Positive Points (connect with me @idontstink), 2) Share my Daily Positive Points posts on Facebook, 3) Forward the Daily Positive Points email using the “forward email” from inside the email, 4) Mention and link Daily Positive Points on your blog and 5) Send me an email at bill@positract.com to let me know you are participating.  The most combined posts/shares/tweets/re-tweets, etc. WINS. 1st Place wins both books, 2-5th places an electronic copy of 7 Days to Inner Peace.  Contest starts 5/21/12 and runs through 5/28/12.  The winners will be announced and notified by 5/29/12.

Today’s Message

Anger and resentment must be released.  The longer we hold keep them as our friend, the more damage it does to us and others nearby.  Today, think of at least one person you are angry with or even resent, and say, “I let go of my negative feelings toward you, (name). I forgive you and I forgive myself for having to forgive you.”

Today’s Quote

“Hanging on to resentment is letting someone you despise live rent-free in your head.”  ~Ester Lederer

Hey dudes, how’s it going?  Sweetie here.  I have been crazy busy lately and checked out a bit from the blog after my first post.  I am working on some pretty cool stuff and it will be coming soon.  I got an email from Bill this morning and thought I would share it with you.

Today’s Message
Courage will set you free.  Fear will bind you in chains.  I know that it might be a little scary, but pick one thing that brings you fear and face it.  You will be amazed how heavy fear can be and how much lighter and happier you feel when you face it head on.  Seriously, pick one thing right now.  Take a deep breath and get after it!

Today’s Quote
“Courage does not mean the absence of fear, but the ability not to let yourself be paralyzed by that fear.”  Paulo Coelho

You can also click here to see the full message with all the super cool graphics.  Pretty cool, huh?

Today’s Message
Everything is energy.  Everything.  Sometimes we need to remove ourselves from negative people who do not support us.  It doesn’t mean that we don’t love them.  It just means that we no longer accept their negative energy in our lives.  Say no and send love to them.

Today’s Quote
“One must separate from anything that forces one to repeat No again and again.” Friedrich Nietzsche

Hi fellow friends, Sweetie here.  Here’s my very first blog post.  For this one, I video taped it with my brand new Mikon camera.  What do you think?  I would love to hear if you like this.

Love right atcha!


Today’s Message
What you heal in your Self heals others.  What you repair in your relationships restores generations of hatred.  And what you do to create your own happiness creates a rippling joy throughout the world.  Click here to checkout Friday’s positive Video.

Today’s Quote
“The ego creates the deadening illusion that we are separate entities, islands unto ourselves that literally have no connection to the world around us.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  The ultimate spiritual realization has always been that all is One.” ~Andrew Cohen

Today’s Message
the world we see is a mirror image of what is within us.  If we look for things that displease us, chances are that is what we will experience.  However, the opposite is true.  If we look for peace, love, and happiness, we will tend to see the beauty that is around us all the time.

Today’s Quote
“Look at the world with the vision of peace, love, and compassion. Then the whole world will appear loving and peaceful.” Sri Sathya Sai Baba (Indian Spiritual leader, b.1926)

Today’s Message
Comparing ourselves to others only proves that we have a need to judge.  They offer zero positive benefits and often create conflicts in our relationships of others.  Today, the moment you have a positive or negative comparison thought, try this.  Say the following, “I am perfect just the way I am.  I am a powerful, positive person.  Since I am what I think, I choose to think I am SA-WEETNESS all over.”

Today’s Quote
“If we find ourselves always coming out on the positive or negative end of comparisons, we may eventually develop strong feelings of loneliness and isolation. This occurs because others (consciously or unconsciously) sense our assessment and, at some level, pick up on our belief of better than or less than. With either belief, we are inviting conflict or submission in our relationships. In such a case, intimacy never develops fully.

“Taking it a step further; if we compare ourselves to others, we are demonstrating a value driven by a desire to be the same as or different from someone else. Given that forward progress on our life’s journey requires discovering and valuing the true self (as we are) we can only imagine how much comparison can slow us down. The negative ego strategy of comparison limits the future by allowing others to dictate it. In other words, when we look to others for assessment of ourselves, we are, in essence, at the mercy o f their level of functioning.

“Confronting the negative ego and diminishing its effects can result in us being more fully present in our interactions with others as well as with our selves. In a sense, when we are successful in separating out the negative ego messages, we become the observer of our thoughts and take responsibility for them. This requires courage on our part to be in the moment. When we empower ourselves to be fully present in this way, we disempower the negative ego.” Exerpt from Who Am I?  How Do I Find Me  (Meda Killgore, Therapist and Author)

BONUS: Meda is offering you an incredible meditation for free.  Click here to download this forgiveness meditation.

Last Friday’s Message
“Find comfort in the arms of grace.  Let go of the illusion you hold on to that you’re in control.  Let God be God.  We’re only passengers on this crazy voyage called life.  Take 5 today to watch the great video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CZ0XJqWRr4

“When you realize you’re not in control of this, then you normally start doing what’s right.” – Betty Williams (Nobel laureate)

Believe it.  See it.  LOVE it!
With peace and gratitude,

An old Cherokee was teaching his grandchildren about life. He said to them, “A battle is raging inside me … it is a terrible fight between two wolves. One wolf represents fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and ego. The other stands for joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.”

The old man fixed the children with a firm stare. “This same fight is going on inside you, and inside every other person, too.”

They thought about it for a minute and then one child asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”

The old Cherokee replied: “The one you feed.”