Entries by Bill King


90 Days of Kindness – DAY 90!

Well, today marks the final day of the Kindness Challenge.  I hope that by some small way this challenge has prompted several of you to do kind deeds.  But you know what?  Just because the Kindness Challenge ended today doesn’t mean that you should stop doing kind deeds for others and yourself.  The main purpose […]


90 Days of Kindness – Day 89

Today marks the next to last day in the kindness challenge.  One question I keep asking myself is was this a successful challenge?  I thought about this a lot over the past few days.  I believe my answer is that if a single person participated in the challenge and completed at least one kind deed, […]

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90 Days of Kindness – Day 86

Today is Christmas Eve and my traditional time to shop with my sister for last minute gifts.  Yesterday it was nearly 80 degrees but when we left to go shopping this afternoon, it was nearly blizzard conditions.  Unbelievable weather but we will have a WHITE CHRISTMAS here in Texas!  Sa-WEET!   Today was fill with giving.  It […]


90 Days of Kindness – Day 84

I ran across this quote tonight and thought I would share it with you.  I believe it captures what kindness is all about and why we kindness challenges here at idontstink.com.  It is from Amelia Earhart and is worth thinking about: “No kind action ever stops with itself. One kind action leads to another. Good […]


90 Days of Kindness – Day 82

What am I grateful for?  Well, that one is easy!  Today marks my 24th wedding anniversary with my awesomely, beautiful wife!  She has been my inspiration, my joy, my happiness, my teacher, my love and my soulmate.  I am so grateful to have met her and I know for a fact that I would not be who I am today […]


90 Days of Kindness – Day 80

Here are some super cool kindness quotes to get you thinking for this weekend: “Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.”  – Lao Tzu  “I prefer you to make mistakes in kindness than work miracles in unkindness.”  – Mother Teresa of Calcutta  “Kindness is more than deeds. […]


90 Days of Kindness – Day 77

I had an interesting thing happen today.  I actually started Christmas shopping this afternoon (I normally do ALL my shopping on Christmas Eve with my sister).  I tell you, it really was making me feel good.  I was able to find some awesome gifts at unbelievable savings.  After that, I noticed several nice things done for me.  On two occasions I had a nice […]


90 Days of Kindness – Day 75

I thought I would post the Daily Positive Points from today since it related to kindness.  Today’s Message Try every day to do something kind.  It can be for someone else, an animal and/or even yourself.  Sometimes it is the smallest gifts we give that have the biggest impact on our lives and the lives […]


90 Days of Kindness – Day 72

This morning I did something fun for a change.  After working out, my eye caught the basketball gym.  The same thing happened yesterday but I ignored it.  This time though, I went in and picked up a basketball.  I played for a good 20 minutes.  In the process, I won 3 game 7’s of the […]

Two Thumbs

This morning I was sitting in the steam bath after working out.  I had my hands together kind of like a prayer position where my two thumbs were touching each other.  My first reaction was to see that these thumbs are identical but upon further examination I noticed they were not.  It got me thinking… Even […]