I recently was asked to be a guest blogger for the Fairy God Blogger and was happy to do so.  She is incredible and I was honored to be asked to participate.  Below is the first part of my post and then you can click over to her site to read the full blog!

Guest Blog:

Bill King
writer, parent, stink expert

How do you engage kids and their parents with your book?
Humor.  Next question?  Seriously, I have discovered that kids, and most of us for that matter, tend to be more engaged when the topic is relevant and provides a bit of humor.

Let’s get real, we all suffer from negative thinking, and there’s nothing that can be done to eliminate it completely.  Humor and relevancy are the keys to keeping a book in hands versus garbage cans.  Keeping kids engaged isn’t an easy task when writing non-fiction, that’s for sure. However, when done properly, it can actually be quite transformational for both child and parent.

Click here to checkout the full blog post and a bit of wisdom from the Fairy God Blogger.

With gratitude,

stinkin-thinkin-stinks-bookI have seen a number of book reviews on my latest book, STINKIN’ THINKIN’ STINKS, and have been amazed with the incredible information provided.  I saw this one yesterday and it literally blew me away.  A-MAZ-ING!  It included pictures of her kids reading the book but more importantly how they are using this book.  I wrote the book to provide tips and tools while acting as a resource for parents to work with their kids.  This review absolutely nails that so I thought I would share it with you.  Click here to read this incredible, awesome review by Barb Webb!  Thank you Barb!  You certainly don’t STINK!

With peace and gratitude,

My good friend Grace from www.blessedelements.com posted this on her website.  Check it out by going to  and placing a comment there!

Peace and much gratitude!