While doing research on my upcoming newsletter on the same topic, I found an interesting article from someone who was bullied in the 7th grade.  One thing we have to realize is that the effects of bullying can cause a lifetime of damages.  Click here to read this person’s bullying article.

More to come on Bullying soon.
Peace and gratitude,

Earlier this week, our pet Rooney was sprayed by a skunk in our front yard.  She immediately ran inside, rolled around on one of our rugs and then ran upstairs and did the same thing in a few rooms before I was able to pick her ups and put her in the tub.  The result was not only a dog sprayed with skunk but also a house that REEKED of skunk STENCH!   We didn’t get a good look at the Stanker but history tells me it was probably Stanky! 

I believe that all accidents and coincidences happen for a reason.  After a few days of trying every solution possible, we still had a house that smelled like skunk.  It was horrible.  I started thinking about the meaning of all this and the fact that I have a website with the main character being skunks but nothing came to mind.  It wasn’t until I was steam-cleaning the infected rooms did I realize what the meaning might be.  Each time I emptied the dirty, filty water from the steam cleaner I realized that on the surface everything looks clean and fine.  However, when you go below the surface, a lot of dirt gets trapped and you don’t see it.  I decided to steam clean the entire house an boy, there was a lot of dirt gathered.  The lesson in all this: you have to periodically clean your house or your self of negative STINKIN’ thoughts.  This whole incident has caused me to look deeper in situations that on the surface appear fine.  It was actually a liberating experience although quite painful at first.

So, what do I do about Stanky?  Should I write him out of my latest book, STINKIN’ THINKIN’ STINKS?  I think not.  I need to forgive the skunk that sprayed Rooney but also give thanks to him for the opportunity to cleanse my house and be reminded to look below the surface.  Stanky, THANK YOU!

With Peace and Gratitude,

Look for details next week on my brand spanking new Premium Membership site launch.  There will be so many new and cool things to do and check out.  Look for details next week!


Yesterday my wife sent me a video link of author Bob Doyle in which he recorded a webinar.  It was filled with all sorts of great information and was well worth the time spent watching it.  Here is the link if you would like to check it out: wealthbeyondreason.  Take a few minutes to watch the entire video.  I found myself pausing and then replaying several portions of it.  I haven’t ever really listened to Bob Doyle before, other than when he was on The Secret, but I found his webinar very refreshing.  I highly recommend you checking it out by clicking here.  Then see if what he says resonates with you.  I also bookmarked it so I could listen to it again!

with gratitude and peace,


Check out Peggy McColl’s new book, The WON Thing.  An EXCELLENT read that will get you to a much better place than when you started.  Checkout the book at Amazon.  Also, since today is the launch, you can check out her INCREDIBLE book campaign page.  Go to http://wonthing.com to see all the awesome prizes (including yours truly) you could win for purchasing her book.

With peace and gratitude,


Yes, I am still alive in case you were wondering!  It has been a really interesting time starting “green” drinks.  The first two days all I can say is that it was just awful!  I barely kept them down if you know what I mean.  Something strange did happen on day 3 though.  It was a lot easier.  In fact, each day that I drink it, it gets just a little easier.  I can tell you that it doesn’t taste good by any stretch of the imagination but it is certainly tolerable.  Now when I gulp the drink down, it merely tastes like I am drinking grassy water.  Not bad.  Not good.  But the health benefits are well worth it.

Now I am off to drink the greenies for the 7th day in a row.

With peace and gratitude,


Well, today I finally did it.  I drank my first Pure Energy Greens drink from the Tony Robbins.  I had been putting it off for a week now but decided today was the day.  I opened the lid and smelled what I was about to drink.  It actually smelled like chocolate so I thought this might not be so bad after all.  That quickly went away as I mixed it with 16oz of water bottle.  It looked like dirt mixed with water and pretty much tasted the same.  I was able to choke it down though.

I am going to continue doing this for a little while to see if I can tell the difference.  I am starting with just one drink a day and will graduate to 2 on the 5th day.  If you have ever tried one of these energy green drinks, please let me know how the experience was for you.

With gratitude,


I have been at the hospital today with my niece who is having her baby.  It has been a really cool experience for me because the family has had the opportunity to experience the whole thing.  As I type this up from her delivery room, she is still having contractions but it might be some time before she delivers.  I am still amazed that all of us are allowed in the room while this is going on.  We will have to leave once it gets much closer but I can say that it has been such a joyful experience.  Smiles and laughter, priceless!

Come on baby Bella!  We’re waiting!  We love you and can’t wait to see you.

Love, peace and gratitude,



Kindness, the New Stimulus Package

by Bill King

Are you just plain sick of being bombarded by the media with the untold horrors and predictions of our impending doom?  I’ve heard the words “Stimulus Package” so many times it doesn’t even mean anything anymore.

I want to introduce a new kind of stimulus package that doesn’t have a thing to do with the government:  Kindness.  What do you think would happen if everyone practiced being kind for just one day?  I sure as heck know.  The world as we know it would be transformed.

Impossible?  Consider this:  I organized a Kindness Challenge at a local arts and jazz festival a few weeks ago.  My goal was to remind people what happens when we practice being kind.  It’s a feeling most of us have forgotten.  The challenge was to entice 100 people attending the festival to do 100 kind acts within 100 minutes.  The result amazed everyone involved because when all was said and done, more than 130 people did over 400 kind acts in an hour!  To watch a short video covering the event, click here.

The video shows that when we truly give kindness from the heart, BINGO, a new kind of stimulus package is born.

Kindness is contagious.  It starts a ripple effect that has no limits.  Each act of kindness is like dropping a stone into the water.  First, the receiver of the kind act benefits.  That person then gives back a smile, a hug, laughter, or some other positive response.  So the giver also receives.

Then something truly amazing happens.  Any person who simply witnessed the kind act also benefits. In Meaning & Medicine, author Dr Larry Dossey states helping others “can stimulate healthy responses in persons at a distance who may view it only obliquely.”  This witness may then be inspired to do a kind deed too, and the ripple effect could never end.

How can you start a stimulus package in your own world?  3 steps.  First, feel gratitude for all the fine things in your life.  Defy the media and change your perspective.  Choose to see the good, and more of what’s good will start to reveal itself to you.  Second, spend as much time as you can doing the things you love.  If you enjoy sitting on the porch and listening to the wind, spend more time doing it.  If you love to listen to your favorite music, do that more often.  Doesn’t cost a thing!  Third, practice being kind to yourself and others every single day.  Model kindness and inspire others to do the same.

Need a little inspiration to give yourself a kick-start?  Watch this video.  Change your mind; change the world.