You’ve done it. I’ve done it. Just about everyone’s done it. So, if everyone’s set goals at some point in their life, why isn’t everyone experiencing success, happiness, abundance and joy? That’s the real question.

I have studied for years and years and years the true masters like Tony Robbins, Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay and T. Harv Eker to name a few on the power of setting goals keeping positive. I have also practiced and failed so many times I can’t even recall here.  But one thing is for certain, they work.  And once you experience success from setting them, you are well on your way.

However, my problem was that I would experience success but then not really understand why the goal was achieved and thus didn’t completely replicate it. This was done many, many times over the past 15-20 years.  But then I got it and it was so simple I couldn’t believe the simplicity.

It was something I learned from T Harv (but I believe he learned from Tony Robbins). It was, “What we focus on EXPANDS.”  So, at one point I started practicing setting goals while ALSO focusing on them regularly, and I achieved my goals at lightning speed. I even used it in the business world too! I was regularly completing complex contract negotiations consisting of over millions and millions of dollars in only a few weeks while others with the same suppliers spent months to do. AND, I was getting better results.  I was simply amazed.

The problem is that it is easy to forget. Something negative would happen and guess what? You got it, I would unconsciously focus on the negative issues and experience more of exactly what I didn’t want. But, the beauty is to simply become aware of it and when I did, I could reverse it in a few minutes, for real!

This week’s Daily Positive Points is dedicated to Tony Robbins and his Ultimate Edge program I took a several years back.  Today’s action step is to start setting goals so let’s do a quick exercise.

Today, join with me in setting a minimum of 3 goals in the following categories: Personal, Emotional and Social.  Feel free to email me at or post in the comment section here if you would like to share them.

Remember, what you FOCUS on EXPANDS so keep your thoughts on the POSITIVE aspects of the goals you set.  Together, let’s make a difference in the world!

With gratitude and peace,

bonus4The funny thing for me is that I have always believed in the Law of Attraction, however, I didn’t know it had a name.  From the time I can remember, I believed in positive thinking bringing positive results.  I knew there was something missing with that logic because just thinking about it wouldn’t necessarily make it happen.  I already used visualization (in sports) teamed with positive thinking to become a very good 4-sport athlete.  As I got older, I realized the missing ingredient to make the Law work for you was taking action.

I have lots of stories of the Law of Attraction because I live it every day.  Little things that most people believe are “coincidences” occur every single day to me.  My story for this article involves manifesting a repair to my roof caused by wind damage.  I live in the DFW area and we had a major wind storm with winds topping out at 85MPH in our town.  My roof was badly damaged and there were thousands of roofs damaged in the Metroplex.  I called my roofing company and it took nearly 2 hours to get someone live on the phone.  They told me that there were about 350 people ahead of me because of the damages from the storm.  I left my information and they told me it would be a minimum of 2 weeks before they could even take a look at it to give me an estimate.  That was Thursday around noon.

For the first couple of hours after the call I was frustrated and worried because the forecast was for more severe thunderstorms over the next week.  Also, from my attic you could actually see daylight in several places which meant major water damage if it rained.  The next morning on my way to the office, I decided I would try positive affirmations and visualization.  I didn’t set any expectations or deadlines, I just visualized my roof being taken care of whether it was because the rain that was forecasted would miss our house for the next several weeks or my roof would be repaired.  Within ten minutes, yes ten minutes, after starting the positive affirmations and visualizations something strange happened.

My phone rang and it was the roofing company.  They said that there was someone in our area and might be able to stop by today.  I was floored.  I continued to do positive affirmations and visualizations on and off all day long.  When I got home, the roofing company was working on the repair and actually completed the major repair.  As they started coming down from the ladder, it started to rain.  And I mean rain.  It poured for the next two days.

I was so grateful because if they had not come that day, I would have had serious water damage because of the holes in the roof from the wind damage.  By changing my negative outlook to a positive one, then practicing visualizing a positive outcome without putting restrictions on HOW it was going to turn out, actually led the Law of Attraction to get my roof repaired.  If they had come a day or even a couple of hours later, major damage would have resulted.

I suggest that even if you do not believe in the Law of Attraction, try it anyway.  What do you have to lose but sending positive energy where it was negative before.

Peace and gratitude,

Today’s Message

Making mistakes is inevitable. Quitting, though, is optional.


Research any famous person today. Notice the struggles they faced at some point in their lives

Today’s Quote

“It is necessary for us to learn from other’s mistakes. You will not live long enough to make them all yourself.” ~Hyman George Rickover

My 7 Days to Inner Peace is now available on Kindle! Go to to check it out. Now how STINKIN’ SaWEET is that?!!!

With cargo ships filled with gratitude,

Today’s Message

When we are inspired, we accomplish great things. We also create amazing results when we are desperate. However, it is much more fun being inspired than being desperate!  Click here to checkout Friday’s awesome video!


“Today, I seek inspiration. I take the time necessary to slow my mind and be open to it.”


Today’s Quote

“In life you need either inspiration or desperation.” Tony Robbins

Today’s Message

The use of our words is more powerful than we could have ever imagined. I believe our goal is to become aware of what we say so we use words that empower versus ones that terminate and expire positive thoughts in others.  The choice of our words simply imitates the emotions inside us.


I use only positive, uplifting words today. I feel good and I let everyone know it.

Today’s Quote

“Be Impeccable With Your Word. Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.” ~The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

NOTE: This week I will be using quotes from one of the most powerful books I have ever read, The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz.  He makes it so simple that anyone who attempts the four agreements will certainly change their life forever.

Be the person that does the most TWEETS, RETWEETS, Forwards, Mentions on Blogs, & Shares on FACEBOOK of these Daily Positive Points and you will win a FREE hardcopy of The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz plus a copy of my 7 Days to Inner Peace.  Contest rules are simple:1) Re-Tweet my Daily Positive Points (connect with me @idontstink), 2) Share my Daily Positive Points posts on Facebook, 3) Forward the Daily Positive Points email using the “forward email” from inside the email, 4) Mention and link Daily Positive Points on your blog and 5) Send me an email at to let me know you are participating.  The most combined posts/shares/tweets/re-tweets, etc. WINS. 1st Place wins both books, 2-5th places an electronic copy of 7 Days to Inner Peace.  Contest starts 5/21/12 and runs through 5/28/12.  The winners will be announced and notified by 5/29/12.

Today’s Message

Opportunities are everywhere.  We just have to take time to tune into them. One way to do this is through affirmations and another is through meditation.  Combining meditations with affirmations is much more powerful than doing them separately.


“I have unlimited choices presented to me every single day. Opportunities exist everywhere around me and today I will grab at least one of them!”

Today’s Quote

“Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises.” Demosthenes (384-322)


With Peace and Gratitude,

Here’s your Daily Positive Points for today:

Today’s Message
Each day do your best to learn something new.  If you can accomplish this, just think how much you will have learned in a month, a year, a decade.  Start today! 

Today’s ACTION
Today, offer to mentor someone who could use it.  It doesn’t take much, just offer something and watch the true power of kindness.  For ideas, go to and click on the kindness meter.  There are approximately 200 kind deeds to choose from in 8 categories.

Today’s Quote
“As irrigators lead water where they want, as archers make their arrows straight, as carpenters carve wood, the wise shape their minds.” ~Buddha

If you are not receiving these SUPER COOL, SUPER AWESOME daily messages, simply click “join our list” at the top of any page on our site.  You will then start receivig them Monday-Friday.  Go ahea, MAKE YOUR DAY! 🙂

With gratitude and peace,


Here is the final portion of Chapter 5 How to Avoid Catching the STINK EYE from my new book STINKIN’ THINKIN’ STINKS!  Plan on spending the rest of the weekend working through the rest of the exercise.  Send me feedback or post a comment on Facebook, Twitter or email.
With peace and gratitude,
Bill King

Day 4: Repeat Day 3 exercise using a new card.

Day 5: Repeat Day 3 exercise again using a new card.

Day 6:
  Get the sixth index card and write “Like” on one side and “Don’t Like” on the other.  Your job today is to write down the things you notice that you like on the “Like” side of the card, and write the things you see that aren’t pleasing to you on the “Don’t Like” side of the card.  Today, don’t put on your cool shades.  Try this exercise for thirty minutes.  

Day 7: Repeat Day 6 exercise, but this time put on the cool shades for the entire exercise.

 Expected Results 
By Day 7, you’ll probably write more things on the “Like” side of the index card than on the “Don’t Like” side.  That’s great!  From now on, when you use the cool shades, you’ll find yourself looking for things you like more quickly¾and you will find more things that you like.  This is due to the programming of your mind during the third through fifth days.  Cool shades are amazing, aren’t they? 

 Tips for a Successful Exercise

  • Go to different places each of day. 
  • Keep an upbeat attitude.
  • Don’t judge what you don’t like, just notice it and write it down.
  • Expect that you will see more positive things than negative.
  • Focus on the good for days three through seven.

 The STINKIN’ Summary

  • STINK Eyes distort what you see and inject negativity.
  • Become aware of how you look at things.
  • STINK Eyes are very contagious.
  • Having a STINK eye is a choice.
  • Cools shades will help you see what you like.

STINK eyes typically take perfectly harmless situations and make them appear negative.  Everything appears worse than it really is.  Avoid catching the STINK eye at all costs.

Today is day 2 and 3 of the Cool Shades for STINK Eyes exercise.  There will be another post on Thursday so please come back!

Day 2: Repeat Day 1 exercise using a new card.

Day 3: Get one index card and a pen or pencil and start looking around.  Put your cool shades on as you do this.  This time, notice all the things that you like, that make you feel good, or that put a smile on your face.  Do this for 15 minutes.  For example, if you see a nice, clean cut backyard, write “yard.”  If you see a friend, write your friend’s first name.  If you see your new game system, write the system’s name.  Continue to write things you see that provoke positive thoughts during the short 15 minute exercise.

That’s it for today folks.  Please leave comments if you like as you work through the exercises.
With peace and gratitude,