Tag Archive for: Kindness Meter

upset_faceI realized something yesterday.  When I am in a negative state, a bunch of STINKIN’ stuff comes my happy_face1way.  Well, I guess I didn’t just realize that yesterday.  I did notice, however,  that when I do kind things for others my energy and positivity is boosted significantly.  So how about doing some kindness today?  Try it, you’ll like it!

With peace and gratitude,


This morning I woke up with the intention of practicing forgiveness each hour of the day as part of my kindness today.  Isn’t it amazing how the universe responds to your intentions?  While eating breakfast I got an email from someone who completely blessed me out.  Then, a few minutes later another negative email on an entirely different topic came in.  Oh well.  I asked for it, I got it!

Today is the launch of a book that I personally recommended.  It is from a fantastic author and he is doing something very kind himself.  Matt Morris launched his book, The Unemployed Millionaire, with the ultimate goal of feeding 100,000 children in Africa.  Now seriously, how cool is that? 

Matt is donating 100% of the royalties on this book for this cause.  For each book sold, 5 children in Africa are fed.  This is just so STINKIN’ COOL!  I purchased several copies of it today and suggest you join me by buying at least one yourself.  To check it out, click this link now.  Thank you!

With kindness and forgiveness,


When I woke up this morning, I was pretty sore from the work done yesterday.  I also didn’t feel my best and found it hard to go out and do kind deeds for others.  I decided to do something kind for myself, take the day off.  So, I spent the day watching football (Go SAINTS! 4-0!) and pretty much doing nothing.  Near the end of the day, I decided I could say some prayers for family and friends.  You see, kindness doesn’t have to be physical act.  A simple kind thought toward someone you love or that challenges you is a kind deed.

With gratitude and peace,


IMG_1640Today I had decided to mow my neighbor’s front yard as my act of kindness. That was before my son sent me a message that they were going to be working on a new stone patio project. So, I chose to go and help them instead.

After a full day of shoveling, leveling, laying stones, tamping and a bunch more activities, I headed home. When I got there, I noticed immediately that my neighbor had mowed my front yard. Now how cool is that?

With love and gratitude,

IMG_1636Today I decided to go have lunch by the lake and enjoy the beautful weather. While on my way, I passed a nice sized turtle in the middle of the road. I turned around, put my blinkers on and picked it up moving him well off the road. After I finished eating lunch, I offered to help someone who was picking up wood for a fire later on tonight. Just before leaving, I picked up trash around the site.

After I did these kind deeds, it seemed that my day just got better and better.

With gratitude to everyone doing kind deeds today,

happy_face1Well, today was a pretty good day for me.  I had the mindset to do kind deeds and felt that it was a productive day.  What I quickly discovered is that when you are looking for kindness to do, a kindness opportunity will present itself.  For example, this morning I was walking up to the club to work out and as I got near the door, I noticed a lady with her hands full coming up from behind me.  Easy opportunity for me to stand there, wait a moment and then open the door for her.  She smiled and appeared very grateful.

Several times today I also did kindness for myself.  I SO wanted a snickers bar in the afternoon but decided to have a piece of fresh fruit instead.  At lunch, I really wanted a coke but ordered water instead.  I made lots of choices like that for myself today.

You don’t have to look very far to do kind deeds.  Don’t forget doing kindness for yourself is just as important as doing kindness for others.

With gratitude and kindness,


kindnesschallengebannerToday marks the first day of the 90 Days of Kindness Challenge here at idontstink.com.  Feel free to post your comments to this or any posts for the Kindness Challenge.  Now get out there and do kind deeds and let’s see how many kind deeds are logged on the kindness meter for this challenge. 

With tons of gratitude and kindness,


Press Release issued 4/6/09kindnesschallengebanner


Sunday, April 26th, attendees of the Denton Arts & Jazz Festival will be challenged to do 100 kind things in 100 minutes.  But it will not stop there.  Kind deeds will be handed out and shared all weekend long.

The festival is scheduled for April 24th thru 26th and there will be a Kindness Challenge Booth set up to do kind deeds for others.  Sponsored by The Good Samaritan Society Lake Forrest Village and hosted by idontstink.com, the Kindness Challenge Booth offers a refreshing way to be of service to others and raise awareness of the power of kindness.

“We are extremely excited to be a part of this extraordinary event.  We pride ourselves in helping others but this challenge is to get others to do kind deeds also.” says Shannon Ratliff, Staff Development Coordinator at The Good Samaritan Society Lake Forest Village.  “I am truly honored to be in the company of so many outstanding volunteers for this event,” says Bill King of idontstink.com, organizer for the booth.  “Our goal is to inspire others to take a new look at how they live their lives, and to embrace the concept of doing kind deeds when they leave the event.”

The Kindness Challenge Booth will be offering a variety of kindness throughout the entire festival.  They will be handing out stickers, flowers, cards, gifts, coupons, and so much more.  When you attend the Arts & Jazz Festival, be sure to stop by and be challenged to do a kind deed.

Yesterday, my wife and I were on our way home from the office.  At a busy intersection, a car honked then cut in front of me to pull off the road.  Immediately, I put on the brakes to let him over.  I then noticed there was a guy pushing the car off the road.  I pulled in right behind him to stop my car and help but it was going downhill for the moment.  I put on the flashers and awaited for his momentum to stop.  It did as he pulled into a gas station. 

He had run out of gas and knew it.  The problem was that the rest of the way was uphill.  I jumped out and immediately began pushing.  We had momentum until he accidently hit the curve and all of our momentum was stopped immediately.   Then, out of no where, it was like we were trying to push a brick wall.  The car started backwards and I told him to hit the brakes because there was nothing left in either of us.  I thought that maybe we could rest a bit and start again.  We waited a minute and started and we weren’t able to move it a single inch as it actually started rolling backwards.  The temperature was 100 degrees and it is amazing how quickly you can run out of all your energy.

Now the coolest thing happened.  Several other guys dropped what they were doing and came running up to help.  It was perfect timing because I was just about at the point that I was thinking we couldn’t push it the rest of the way.  I thanked both of these guys as a third guy came running up.  It was such a positive experience.  The guy with the empty tank looked back to me three times as I got in my car to drive away.  First he nodded and said thank you.  As I pulled off, he gave me a very kind gesture with his eyes that felt so good.  That is what true gratitude FEELS like when someone expresses it.

Peace and kindness,


PS – Pass it on!

One week into the Kindness Challenge has been a major success.  Currently there are over 1,100 kind acts logged.  THANK YOU!  Please remember to send me your stories of kindness by either emailing me at bill@positract.com or posting your comments under the blog post below.

You really are making a difference.  Thank you, thank you, and THANK YOU!