Tag Archive for: STINKISM

Here is the final portion of Chapter 5 How to Avoid Catching the STINK EYE from my new book STINKIN’ THINKIN’ STINKS!  Plan on spending the rest of the weekend working through the rest of the exercise.  Send me feedback or post a comment on Facebook, Twitter or email.
With peace and gratitude,
Bill King

Day 4: Repeat Day 3 exercise using a new card.

Day 5: Repeat Day 3 exercise again using a new card.

Day 6:
  Get the sixth index card and write “Like” on one side and “Don’t Like” on the other.  Your job today is to write down the things you notice that you like on the “Like” side of the card, and write the things you see that aren’t pleasing to you on the “Don’t Like” side of the card.  Today, don’t put on your cool shades.  Try this exercise for thirty minutes.  

Day 7: Repeat Day 6 exercise, but this time put on the cool shades for the entire exercise.

 Expected Results 
By Day 7, you’ll probably write more things on the “Like” side of the index card than on the “Don’t Like” side.  That’s great!  From now on, when you use the cool shades, you’ll find yourself looking for things you like more quickly¾and you will find more things that you like.  This is due to the programming of your mind during the third through fifth days.  Cool shades are amazing, aren’t they? 

 Tips for a Successful Exercise

  • Go to different places each of day. 
  • Keep an upbeat attitude.
  • Don’t judge what you don’t like, just notice it and write it down.
  • Expect that you will see more positive things than negative.
  • Focus on the good for days three through seven.

 The STINKIN’ Summary

  • STINK Eyes distort what you see and inject negativity.
  • Become aware of how you look at things.
  • STINK Eyes are very contagious.
  • Having a STINK eye is a choice.
  • Cools shades will help you see what you like.

STINK eyes typically take perfectly harmless situations and make them appear negative.  Everything appears worse than it really is.  Avoid catching the STINK eye at all costs.

Today is day 2 and 3 of the Cool Shades for STINK Eyes exercise.  There will be another post on Thursday so please come back!

Day 2: Repeat Day 1 exercise using a new card.

Day 3: Get one index card and a pen or pencil and start looking around.  Put your cool shades on as you do this.  This time, notice all the things that you like, that make you feel good, or that put a smile on your face.  Do this for 15 minutes.  For example, if you see a nice, clean cut backyard, write “yard.”  If you see a friend, write your friend’s first name.  If you see your new game system, write the system’s name.  Continue to write things you see that provoke positive thoughts during the short 15 minute exercise.

That’s it for today folks.  Please leave comments if you like as you work through the exercises.
With peace and gratitude,

What is a STINKISM you ask?  A STINKISM is a term that is used to describe a situation, event, quote, or even a person that contains some sort of STINKIN’ THINKIN’ in it.  A typical STINKISM applies to a translation of an otherwise inspirational or motivational quote from a slightly different viewpoint.  Below is an example to help illustrate what one is.

Positive Quote:Winners make a habit of manufacturing their own positive expectations in advance of the event.” Brian Tracy 
STINKISM #1: Don’t be a STINKIN’ LOSER by expecting negative STINKIN’ things to happen.

With peace and gratitude,
