Entries by Bill King


90 Days of Kindness – Day 22

Well, I haven’t posted in a few days because I was waiting for that huge kind deed to occur.  What I have quickly discovered is that no kind deed is too small.  Also, no kind deed is wasted.  For the past week I really do not have any major kind act to report, just lots […]


90 Days of Kindness – Day 18

As I was thinking about what to include today for the kindness project, a thought came to me to post some of my favorite kindness quotes.  As I have researched them in the past, I was amazed at how many people believe in the power of kindness.  Here are some of my favorite ones: “I’ve […]


90 Days of Kindness – Day 14

We are now 14 days into the Kindness Challenge and I am learning a lot more than I thought.  I was thinking about kindness today while walking down a sidewalk.  I looked down and there was a piece of gum sitting right in the middle waiting to go for a ride with someone.  I passed […]


90 Days of Kindness – Day 12

When I was working out at the gym this morning, I was thinking about giving and receiving.  The more I thought about them the more I understood that they are really one and the same.  Let me explain.  As you give with a kind heart you are rewarded with gifts yourself.  But you do not just have to give “things” to […]


90 Days of Kindness – Day 9

I realized something yesterday.  When I am in a negative state, a bunch of STINKIN’ stuff comes my way.  Well, I guess I didn’t just realize that yesterday.  I did notice, however,  that when I do kind things for others my energy and positivity is boosted significantly.  So how about doing some kindness today?  Try it, […]



Yesterday my wife sent me a video link of author Bob Doyle in which he recorded a webinar.  It was filled with all sorts of great information and was well worth the time spent watching it.  Here is the link if you would like to check it out: wealthbeyondreason.  Take a few minutes to watch the entire video.  […]


90 Days of Kindness – Day 7

This morning I woke up with the intention of practicing forgiveness each hour of the day as part of my kindness today.  Isn’t it amazing how the universe responds to your intentions?  While eating breakfast I got an email from someone who completely blessed me out.  Then, a few minutes later another negative email on an […]


90 Days of Kindness – Day 4

When I woke up this morning, I was pretty sore from the work done yesterday.  I also didn’t feel my best and found it hard to go out and do kind deeds for others.  I decided to do something kind for myself, take the day off.  So, I spent the day watching football (Go SAINTS! […]


90 Days of Kindness – Day 3

Today I had decided to mow my neighbor’s front yard as my act of kindness. That was before my son sent me a message that they were going to be working on a new stone patio project. So, I chose to go and help them instead. After a full day of shoveling, leveling, laying stones, […]


Kindness Challenge, Day 2

Today I decided to go have lunch by the lake and enjoy the beautful weather. While on my way, I passed a nice sized turtle in the middle of the road. I turned around, put my blinkers on and picked it up moving him well off the road. After I finished eating lunch, I offered […]