Daily Positive Pointssmile from idontstink.com

Today’s Message:

Don’t worry, just be happy. Worry will only bring you down and the side effect will also bring others down too. Find something in your life right now that will put a smile on your face then checkout this video by clicking here.

Today’s Quote

“When unhappy, one doubts everything; when happy, one doubts nothing.” Joseph Roux (French artist, 1725-1793)

BELIEVE it!  SEE it!  LOVE it!

Peace, gratitude and love,


happy_face1The other night I did something I haven’t really done before.  I started reading literature (OK, sure, I read some in college & high school but that was because I HAD to and hated it!).  I bought the book Essays & Poems by Ralph Waldo Emerson because I use so many of his quotes in my daily positive point emails.  I figured that he must be a pretty cool dude because his quotes are my favorites.

Well, I discovered something new about myself in the process.  The moment I started reading, I absolutely loved it.  That was very surprising for me.  I found that it was harder to put down than it was for the last dragon book series I just finished.  That really shocked me.  I guess all the other times I have read any literature was because of a grade involved.  Now I am enjoying reading it for pleasure.  Imagine that!

Emerson ROCKS!

With peace and gratitude,


Yesterday I posted how we should start the year off with forgiveness.  I find it quite interesting that often when I teach about a subject a perfect opportunity for me to learn from it comes on the very day.  I do not believe in coincidences but I have learned that those who teach also learn what they are teaching.  I discovered this quite some time ago as I was delivering workshops to young adults and adolescents.

With the theme set up from yesterday, let’s continue for the next 6 days to practice forgiveness.  Decide on one person each day to do this on.  It can be the same person or a different person each day.  It can even be yourself.  Imagine that!  Join me in freeing our minds from hurtful, nonsupporting thoughts of unforgiveness.  Forgiveness is not just a one time event.  It is a daily process that can deliver you peace, happiness and joy.

With gratitude and forgiveness,


The power of forgiveness is well understated.  It is the single tool that allows you to clear yourself of negative thinking perfume2while also benefit others in the process.  When you are free of past hurts, pains and greivances you are able to give to others the best of you.  With that in mind, here’s his morning’s Daily Positive Points to get your new year started off with a positive note: 

Today’s Message

Today marks the first business day of the new year.  Let’s start it off right with a known cure for all things, forgiveness.  Take two minutes right now to think of at least one person you could offer forgiveness.  Then, in your mind’s eye, see them covered in a beautiful, white, purifying light that heals both of you at the same time.

Today’s Quote:
“Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.” Mark Twain (American Humorist, Writer and Lecturer. 1835-1910)

With peace, forgiveness & gratitude,


I was given a great quote today and thought I would share it with you.  Here it is:

“Man’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.” Oliver Wendell Holmes (US author & physician, 1809 – 1894)

So, here’s to new ideas!  You ready to join me?

With gratitude and peace,


bonus4Well, today marks the final day of the Kindness Challenge.  I hope that by some small way this challenge has prompted several of you to do kind deeds.  But you know what?  Just because the Kindness Challenge ended today doesn’t mean that you should stop doing kind deeds for others and yourself.  The main purpose of this challenge was to get you thinking about doing kindness consciously on a daily basis.

Come back for more post thoughts on the Kindness Challenge.

With kindness and gratitude,


Today marks the next to last day in the kindness challenge.  One question I keep asking myself is was this a successful smilechallenge?  I thought about this a lot over the past few days.  I believe my answer is that if a single person participated in the challenge and completed at least one kind deed, then yes, this was a successful challenge.

F0r me, many times I was reminded to do kind deeds because of the challenge.  By keeping kindness in my awareness it allowed me to do more kind deeds.  I suggest as you start off the new year, decide that you will spread your love with kindness to all that you meet.  Don’t reserve the kind deeds for just people you know, share them with everyone.

May you have a positive and blessed new year!

Peace, gratitude, and kindness,


DSCF0009Today is Christmas Eve and my traditional time to shop with my sister for last minute gifts.  Yesterday it was nearly 80 degrees but when we left to go shopping this afternoon, it was nearly blizzard conditions.  Unbelievable weather but we will have a WHITE CHRISTMAS here in Texas!  Sa-WEET!   Today was fill with giving.  It just makes me feel so good inside when I am able to help others and do kind things for them.  Then sometime I even get to watch as they return the favor to others.

The holiday seasons are about giving and compassion.  Let today be a reminder to start practicing it on a daily basis if you already do not.

Happy Holidays!


I ran across this quote tonight and thought I would share it with you.  I believe it captures what kindness is all about Amelia_Earhartand why we kindness challenges here at idontstink.com.  It is from Amelia Earhart and is worth thinking about:

“No kind action ever stops with itself. One kind action leads to another. Good example is followed. A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees. The greatest work that kindness does to others is that it makes them kind themselves.” – Amelia Earhart

With kindness and gratitude,


FlowerWhat am I grateful for?  Well, that one is easy!  Today marks my 24th wedding anniversary with my awesomely, beautiful wife!  She has been my inspiration, my joy, my happiness, my teacher, my love and my soulmate.  I am so grateful to have met her and I know for a fact that I would not be who I am today without her.

As we start to wrap up the challenge, take some time every single day through the end of the year to give gratitude to someone.  End your year with grace and gratitude and get ready for a fantastic 2010.


With peace and gratitude,
