Here are some super cool kindness quotes to get you thinking for this weekend:bonus_2

“Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.”  – Lao Tzu

 “I prefer you to make mistakes in kindness than work miracles in unkindness.”  – Mother Teresa of Calcutta

 “Kindness is more than deeds. It is an attitude, an expression, a look, a touch. It is anything that lifts another person.”  – Anonymous

  ”He who distributes the milk of human kindness cannot help but spill a little on himself.”  – James Matthew Barrie

 “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”  –  Aesop (620 BC – 560 BC)

 “Kindness is difficult to give away because it keeps coming back.”  – Anonymous

 “Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness.”  – Seneca (Mid 1st Century AD)

 “By doing simple acts of kindness for others, we can’t help but lift ourselves up.”  – Anonymous

 “Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness.  Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.”  – Scott Adams



bonus_1I had an interesting thing happen today.  I actually started Christmas shopping this afternoon (I normally do ALL my shopping on Christmas Eve with my sister).  I tell you, it really was making me feel good.  I was able to find some awesome gifts at unbelievable savings.  After that, I noticed several nice things done for me.  On two occasions I had a nice financial reward – well, not necessarily a financial impact but more of a savings.  We had our yearly checkup for our heating unit in our house and I was expecting to pay well over $500 in parts to be replaced.  But, when it was all said and done, nothing needed replacing and my bill was $0.  SWEET!  One other thing happened that had me paying $0 when normally I would have had to pay $50.  It is amazing to me how abundance flows when the mindset is focused on giving.

With peace and gratitude,


I thought I would post the Daily Positive Points from today since it related to kindness. happy_face1

Today’s Message

Try every day to do something kind.  It can be for someone else, an animal and/or even yourself.  Sometimes it is the smallest gifts we give that have the biggest impact on our lives and the lives of others.  Just remember to give those gifts of kindness with your heart.

Today’s Quote:
“Every gift which is given, even though it be small, is in reality great, if it is given with affection.” Pindar (Greek lyric poet of ancient Greece, 518-446 BC)

With kindness and gratitude,


sweetie circleThis morning I did something fun for a change.  After working out, my eye caught the basketball gym.  The same thing happened yesterday but I ignored it.  This time though, I went in and picked up a basketball.  I played for a good 20 minutes.  In the process, I won 3 game 7’s of the NBA finals, sunk crucial free throws, and made some mind boggling shots.  It was a blast!

Afterwards, I was thinking about how I really don’t do many things that are fun lately.  Yesterday I told myself I was “too busy” to stop and play around.  I think that is what most of us do.  We take life too seriously and work too hard.  After I was done becoming a hero for those game 7’s, I felt simply great.  I got in a good cardio exercise in the process and my energy level was very high.

Take time to have some fun today.  It doesn’t matter really what it is, just do something that will put a smile on your face.

Love and gratitude,

Bill King

This morning I was sitting in the steam bath after working out.  I had my hands together kind of like a prayer position sweetiewhere my two thumbs were touching each other.  My first reaction was to see that these thumbs are identical but upon further examination I noticed they were not.  It got me thinking…

Even though each thumb has the same purpose, they are separate from each other.  It is kind of like the world we live in today.  I believe that we all have the same purpose in life.  We are here to love and to help others that do not live it.  Now, the love I am talking about is not just a romantic love and finding a soulmate.  Not by any stretch of the imagination.

Our common purpose is to love one another.   Plain and simple.

With love and gratitude,

Bill King

DogAnswer this:  Is doing something you do not want to do for someone else a kind deed?  Or, is it something unkind you do for yourself?  Hmmmmm.

As I pondered this question I didn’t know the answer at first.  I can do something kind for someone else but if it is at my own expense, it just might not be a kind deed.  Sure, it is kind for that person so that definitely counts.  I pondered about it a little longer.  I then came to the realization that if I am doing the kind deed from my heart, it is certainly a kind deed for both.  If I chose to do it because I “should” all over myself, then that would not really be a kind deed, at least not in the true sense of giving and receiving.

So there you have it.  Do kindness with your heart and everyone wins!

Peace and kindness,

Bill Kin

Yesterday I decided that I would go through my closet and donate a lot of my clothes to Goodwill.  It is kind of funnyhappy_face1 how you can get attached to some of your clothes.  I decided that I was going to clear out a good part of my wardrobe regardless how I felt about them.  The end result is a closet that is nearly half as full as it was before I began.

After dropping them off at Goodwill and returning home, I had a nice feeling rush over me.  When I looked at my closet later that night, I felt a warm sense of accomplishment.  I suggest you take a look around your house and if you see things that you no longer use, find a place to donate it to.  Realize that you are giving and don’t be surprised if you receive something yourself: peace, good feelings and joy to name just a few.

With peace and gratitude,

Bill King

Tonight my wife and I went elf shopping for Hugs and Hope for Sick Children.  I have to say that it was a little difficult for me.  I felt a lump in my throat the entire time.  Not knowing if this child would see another Christmas or not.  We picked out some pretty cool stuff and I am sure they will like them.  By participating in this it really put Christmas in perspective for me.  Christmas is about giving from the heart.  The gifts really do not matter it is the love that was present during the giving.

With love and gratitude,


We got back home last night from our November stay on the beach.  I have to say that it was really difficult leaving this year.  After working out this morning, I went to the Post Office to get our mail for the past 30 days.  As I got in my car, STINKIN’ THINKIN’ started.  It sounded something like this: “Boy, I forgot that it is December.  The Post Office is going to be packed!  You probably don’t want to go at this time.  I bet it takes 30 minutes to get the mail.”

If you have read any of my other post office posts, you would immediately recognize what I was doing.  I was setting myself up for a very unpleasant visit to my local post office.  The cool thing about becoming aware of STINKIN’ THINKIN’ is that you can change it.  So, immediately I started doing affirmations such as, “It is going to be a quick in and out.  I bet there is hardly anyone in line.  I am so happy and grateful that I now have picked up my mail in less than 5 minutes.”

Well, as I drove up, the parking lot was packed!  STINKIN’ THINKIN’ returned and in return, I changed it to positive affirmations.  As I opened the door, I was pleasantly surprised that there was not a single person in line even though they had only clerk behind the counter.  I walked up, gave my ID and had my mail in about 2 minutes.  Now how SA-Weet is that?  As I was leaving (and exactly as my other posts stated) the line was starting to form.

One thing is for certain.  Positive Thinking is always better than STINKIN’ THINKIN’.  Remember that the next time you catch yourself in a STINK Mode and you might be pleasantly surprised.

With peace and gratitude,


We have now reached a milestone in our kindness challenge.  We are officially two thirds of the way done.  There have been some interesting things that happened to me during this time.  One of the most important things I have learned is that kindness is contagious.  I have discovered that when I do kind deeds for others, I notice others doing kind deeds themselves.  Now how cool is that? 

Another thing I have learned is that when I am actively doing kind deeds, or even thinking about doing kind deeds, STINKIN’ THINKIN’ does not exist.  It disappears almost instantly.  That is a nice by product of doing kindness.

IMG_2250Sadly, we are wrapping up our stay here at the beach.  It has been an amazing trip and we are already planning next year’s trip.  Checkout last night’s sunset to the left.  Just when I thought the sky wouldn’t get any prettier, it did. 

With peace, love and gratitude,
