Yes, I am still alive in case you were wondering!  It has been a really interesting time starting “green” drinks.  The first two days all I can say is that it was just awful!  I barely kept them down if you know what I mean.  Something strange did happen on day 3 though.  It was a lot easier.  In fact, each day that I drink it, it gets just a little easier.  I can tell you that it doesn’t taste good by any stretch of the imagination but it is certainly tolerable.  Now when I gulp the drink down, it merely tastes like I am drinking grassy water.  Not bad.  Not good.  But the health benefits are well worth it.

Now I am off to drink the greenies for the 7th day in a row.

With peace and gratitude,


Well, today I finally did it.  I drank my first Pure Energy Greens drink from the Tony Robbins.  I had been putting it off for a week now but decided today was the day.  I opened the lid and smelled what I was about to drink.  It actually smelled like chocolate so I thought this might not be so bad after all.  That quickly went away as I mixed it with 16oz of water bottle.  It looked like dirt mixed with water and pretty much tasted the same.  I was able to choke it down though.

I am going to continue doing this for a little while to see if I can tell the difference.  I am starting with just one drink a day and will graduate to 2 on the 5th day.  If you have ever tried one of these energy green drinks, please let me know how the experience was for you.

With gratitude,


I have been at the hospital today with my niece who is having her baby.  It has been a really cool experience for me because the family has had the opportunity to experience the whole thing.  As I type this up from her delivery room, she is still having contractions but it might be some time before she delivers.  I am still amazed that all of us are allowed in the room while this is going on.  We will have to leave once it gets much closer but I can say that it has been such a joyful experience.  Smiles and laughter, priceless!

Come on baby Bella!  We’re waiting!  We love you and can’t wait to see you.

Love, peace and gratitude,



Kindness, the New Stimulus Package

by Bill King

Are you just plain sick of being bombarded by the media with the untold horrors and predictions of our impending doom?  I’ve heard the words “Stimulus Package” so many times it doesn’t even mean anything anymore.

I want to introduce a new kind of stimulus package that doesn’t have a thing to do with the government:  Kindness.  What do you think would happen if everyone practiced being kind for just one day?  I sure as heck know.  The world as we know it would be transformed.

Impossible?  Consider this:  I organized a Kindness Challenge at a local arts and jazz festival a few weeks ago.  My goal was to remind people what happens when we practice being kind.  It’s a feeling most of us have forgotten.  The challenge was to entice 100 people attending the festival to do 100 kind acts within 100 minutes.  The result amazed everyone involved because when all was said and done, more than 130 people did over 400 kind acts in an hour!  To watch a short video covering the event, click here.

The video shows that when we truly give kindness from the heart, BINGO, a new kind of stimulus package is born.

Kindness is contagious.  It starts a ripple effect that has no limits.  Each act of kindness is like dropping a stone into the water.  First, the receiver of the kind act benefits.  That person then gives back a smile, a hug, laughter, or some other positive response.  So the giver also receives.

Then something truly amazing happens.  Any person who simply witnessed the kind act also benefits. In Meaning & Medicine, author Dr Larry Dossey states helping others “can stimulate healthy responses in persons at a distance who may view it only obliquely.”  This witness may then be inspired to do a kind deed too, and the ripple effect could never end.

How can you start a stimulus package in your own world?  3 steps.  First, feel gratitude for all the fine things in your life.  Defy the media and change your perspective.  Choose to see the good, and more of what’s good will start to reveal itself to you.  Second, spend as much time as you can doing the things you love.  If you enjoy sitting on the porch and listening to the wind, spend more time doing it.  If you love to listen to your favorite music, do that more often.  Doesn’t cost a thing!  Third, practice being kind to yourself and others every single day.  Model kindness and inspire others to do the same.

Need a little inspiration to give yourself a kick-start?  Watch this video.  Change your mind; change the world.

Last weekend was simply an amazing weekend for me.  I am so humbled by all the help from the volunteers as well as img_1048_editedthe participants for the Kindness Challenge on Sunday, April 26th.  In case you are unaware of what the Kindness Challenge was, here are the details.  We challenged the attendees of the Denton Arts & Jazz Fest to do 100 Kind Deeds in 100 Minutes on Sunday afternoon.  It was such a success, we completed it in only 41 minutes!  We added another 30 cards and completed them in 20 minutes!

One thing that I realized is that it was much more than 100 kind deeds because a number of the kindness cards that were pulled contained up to 10 kind deeds.  The totals for the event was 269 Kind Deeds completed in 41 minutes and another 140 completed in 20 minutes for a total of 409 Kind Acts in 61 minutes!  Thank you to all the  participants of the Kindness Challenge.

If you attended the event or witnessed any of the kind deeds, we would love to hear what you experienced.  All you have to do is comment to this message.  We look forward to hearing what you have to say.

With love, gratitude, and joy,


Press Release issued 4/6/09kindnesschallengebanner


Sunday, April 26th, attendees of the Denton Arts & Jazz Festival will be challenged to do 100 kind things in 100 minutes.  But it will not stop there.  Kind deeds will be handed out and shared all weekend long.

The festival is scheduled for April 24th thru 26th and there will be a Kindness Challenge Booth set up to do kind deeds for others.  Sponsored by The Good Samaritan Society Lake Forrest Village and hosted by, the Kindness Challenge Booth offers a refreshing way to be of service to others and raise awareness of the power of kindness.

“We are extremely excited to be a part of this extraordinary event.  We pride ourselves in helping others but this challenge is to get others to do kind deeds also.” says Shannon Ratliff, Staff Development Coordinator at The Good Samaritan Society Lake Forest Village.  “I am truly honored to be in the company of so many outstanding volunteers for this event,” says Bill King of, organizer for the booth.  “Our goal is to inspire others to take a new look at how they live their lives, and to embrace the concept of doing kind deeds when they leave the event.”

The Kindness Challenge Booth will be offering a variety of kindness throughout the entire festival.  They will be handing out stickers, flowers, cards, gifts, coupons, and so much more.  When you attend the Arts & Jazz Festival, be sure to stop by and be challenged to do a kind deed.

araisinposterLast weekend my wife, friends and I went to see “A Raisin In The Sun” at the DeSoto Corner Theatre.  We also went last year and it was just as good this time, if not even better.  I tell you, I don’t know how the cast can do a performance like that night after night.  The show is yet another gem by the African American Repertory Theater.  If you recall not long ago I put a post on another play they did called, “A Soldier’s Story.”  Man, these guys & gals are GOOD!

The play stars an incredible Irma P. Hall, Vince McGill, & Regina Washington as well as some other very, very gifted actors.  I truly believe that kids of all ages should see this play as well as anyone interested in watching a moving performance filled with character growth and a peek into the American past.  Just when you were about to give up on the main character, he does a 180 and you really do not see it coming.

Thank you to the cast of “A Raisin In The Sun.”  You are all absolutely awesome!  Thank you.  The show dates are through April 12 on Friday, Saturday, and Sundays.  The DeSoto Corner Theater is located at 211 E. Pleasant Run – Desoto, TX  75115.  Do not miss out on this incredible performance.  You will not be sorry.

Peace and gratitude,


Last weekend my wife and I went to Jack Canfield’s workshop, The Success Principles.  It was an incredible event and I would img_0922recommend you going to one if you have the opportunity.  I felt the workshop was reaffirming to me.  It taught me that I am on the right track and it gave me a number of things to work on.

One thing in particular that really hit home with me was around gratitude.  He talked about having a gratitude journal and updating it nightly.  I have been journaling daily since the start of 2008 so that was nothing new to me.  I also evolved my journaling into a section on gratitude.  Every night I give gratitude to whatever comes to mind.  I write at least 10 things I am grateful for.

What made Jack’s talk about gratitude so special was the following.  He said something to the effect, “Just writing that you are grateful for something doesn’t mean a whole lot.  You have to attach the feeling of gratitude as you write it.”  He went on to say that one author he knows doesn’t get out of bed in the morning until he has a tear of gratitude.  Wow!  That hit me like a light bulb going off.

So what am I doing different now?  Thank you for asking!  Every night when I get to my gratitude section, I write the name, place, event, etc. and then pause for a moment and reflect on a very positive memory.  Then I go to the next and repeat.  It adds maybe 2 minutes but man, I definitely feel the difference.  I am in a completely different state each night than I was prior to doing this.

Happy gratitude journaling.

Peace, love, and gratitude,


I am thrilled to announce the launching of a project that will transform the world as we know it and turn this financial crisis on its head.

The SHIFT Project is the brain-child of my good friend bestselling author Sonia Ricotti and her wonderful team at Lead Out Loud. It will not only help you glide through these turbulent economic times with ease but it will have you achieve greatness and live the life of your dreams despite all that is going on around the world!

Sonia’s SHIFT 21 Day Challenge Audio Program will transform your life in 21 days! You will achieve prosperity, inner peace, happiness, and bring back the passion in your life like never before!

You will also receive advice and coaching from some of the most amazing transformational leaders on the planet! Listen to some of it for free right now! Click here to check out this amazing offer!.

Peace, gratitude, and SHIFT,


P.S. This project is literally worth thousands of dollars but Sonia and her team want it to be accessible to everyone during these tough times. You will be stunned at the cost (and it’s risk-free)! Click here to check out this amazing offer!

This morning I was sitting in the sauna and was drinking from my water bottle.  After I finished all of the water inside, I set the bottle down next to me.  After a few minutes, the bottle tipped over due to the pressure building up inside.  img_0872That got me thinking that it is very similar to dealing with anger or things that upset you.  If you do not find a way to release the negative emotions, you will literally “blow” your top because of all the pent up emotions.


Hold it up Mr Bill!

After I stepped out of the sauna and into the shower, I noticed the bottle did a 180.  It had compressed so much that it could not stand up.  This too got me thinking.  When you have negative things happen to you and you share too much with everyone else, you can easily topple over due to spreading too much negativity.  I am not saying you should not share with others.  No, not at all.  What I am saying is that you should find a balance.  Express yourself when you feel strong emotions (but do so in a positive way) and also express yourself to others when you are struggling with an issue.  Maybe they have an answer for you.  Just do not spend too much time talking about it and giving it more energy than it is worth.  Find a balance.  That is the key.

Peace and gratitude,
