Simple acts of kindness have profound effects on our bodies, our minds and others observing the kindness. This creates what I like to call the “Kindness Ripple” that reaches out and can go viral with the right momentum. What I get excited about is that there is actually scientific research about the positive benefits of kindness. It directly has a positive effect on our immune system, reduces stress, relieves depression, decreases restrictions of our lungs (Realy? Sweet!), and I could go on and on and on. While I was thinking about what kind of challenge I was going to issue this month I ask my wife and mother-in-law tonight at dinner. My wife starts singing, “Give a little love and it all comes back to you…” That’s it! Perfect!
I find it fascinating of the power of kindness. I often issue “kindness challenges” to help bring awareness to this powerful gift that rests within each of us. The Kindness Challenge that has been issued for June 23, 2014, is a little different. I really want to build momentum to keep the kindness challenge going on rather than setting a specific date to end it. I am using my fan page on Facebook so you can post comments, like and share the kindness message and via my Twitter account. I will be posting scientific research about the kindness effect on us in new blog posts regularly. I will be sending positive quotes and messages daily through my Daily Positive Points plus posting suggestions for kindness daily on my blog and social media. Lastly, you are encouraged to take advantage of the Kindness Meter on this site to track and spread your kindness. It is 100% free and you get your very own kindness meter when you register. All you have to do is go to and “Click Here To Sign Up for a FREE ACCOUNT” at the right and near the bottom of the home page. Once registered, you can click on the Kindness Meter and are presented with over 200 kind deeds to log. Check it out when you have a minute. As you log your kind deeds, you might get a surprise from Sweetie at some point while logging them.
With all the stories about bullying going around these days, we have to do something. I believe that kindness is the answer. Let’s practice it daily and schedule it on our calendars if necessary but be sure to practice kindness today. When tomorrow comes, practice it again.
It only takes a little effort to do kindness so why not participate today? Join me in giving a little love and watch it all come back to you!
With Peace and Kindness!