Today is Christmas Eve and my traditional time to shop with my sister for last minute gifts. Yesterday it was nearly 80 degrees but when we left to go shopping this afternoon, it was nearly blizzard conditions. Unbelievable weather but we will have a WHITE CHRISTMAS here in Texas! Sa-WEET! Today was fill with giving. It just makes me feel so good inside when I am able to help others and do kind things for them. Then sometime I even get to watch as they return the favor to others.
The holiday seasons are about giving and compassion. Let today be a reminder to start practicing it on a daily basis if you already do not.
Happy Holidays!
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What Have You Done That Smells Great?
/* Here, we check to see if this user is in the legacy table that ties in with the graph. If not, we add them to the table with basic info.
There are better ways to handle this, but this way will work for now. */
/* Begin adding user to legacy users table. */
if (!empty($current_user->user_email)) {
putenv(‘TZ=US/Eastern’); // Set the timezone.
$today = addslashes(date(“Y/m/d H:i:s”));
$query=”SELECT id FROM ids_users WHERE email = ‘$current_user->user_email'”;
$result=mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) {
$query = “INSERT INTO ids_users (first_name, last_name, email, active, reg_date)
VALUES (‘$current_user->user_firstname’, ‘$current_user->user_lastname’, ‘$current_user->user_email’, 1, ‘$today’)”;
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
/* End adding user to legacy users table. */
/* Get the totals for the graph. */
$query=”SELECT sum(count) as count_total, (SELECT sum(count) FROM nice_acts_counter, ids_users WHERE user_id = AND email = ‘$current_user->user_email’) as count FROM nice_acts_counter”;
$result_total=mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
$row_total = mysql_fetch_array($result_total, MYSQL_ASSOC);
$user_total = $row_total[‘count’] * 3;
$all_total = round($row_total[‘count_total’] / 33.00); /* This setting should make the counter reset at 5,000. (make it 33.33 for 5,000 and 62 for 10 k) */
echo “\n\n”;
$max = 150; /* This is the height of the inside of the meter. */
/* Count how many times the user has filled the meter and reset the meter. */
if ($user_total > $max) {
$u_times = floor($user_total / $max);
$um_total = $user_total – ($u_times * $max);
} else {
$um_total = $user_total;
/* Do the same resetting for the everyone meter count. */
if ($all_total > $max) {
$a_times = floor($all_total / $max);
$am_total = $all_total – ($a_times * $max);
} else {
$am_total = $all_total;
// echo ‘Username 1 : ‘ . $current_user->user_login . “
// echo ‘User email: ‘ . $current_user->user_email . “
echo “Hi $current_user->display_name!”;
if (isset($_GET[‘cs’])) {
} ?>

0) { ?>


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• At TRACT Solutions we know how important it is to protect your personal information. Whether you are visiting us in person or online, we want to make every customer experience safe and secure. In keeping with that goal, we have developed this Privacy Policy to outline our guidelines for the collection and use of personal information.
• This policy covers what personally identifiable information TRACT Solutions collects and how it is treated. Personally identifiable information is information that can be used to identify visitors to the or Web Sites. This information may be limited to an IP address or extend to personally identifiable information such as your name, address, email address, or phone number.
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Who is TRACT Solutions?
TRACT Solutions is an action oriented company. We want you to take action by practicing exercises, reading books and material from our website, and most importantly, change negative thinking to positive thinking. Our purpose is to be of service to you and offer material that will help you.
What information does TRACT Solutions collect?
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o Are you at least 13 years old? (Required)
o If under 13, your parent’s email address for permission (Required)
• If under 13 years old and registering for the Kindness Meter or bonus gifts:
o An email is sent to the parent or guardian for verification
o The account is never set up until validation from the parent or guardian
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With your consent we may collect and use your personal information for a number of different purposes, for example to:
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posiTRACT Solutions
PO Box 271413
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Stanky is one of the most FOUL SMELLING skunks around. He never has a good day and always STINKS up everyone he meets. He is a bad example for the other little STINKY skunks, and most parents don’t want him playing with their kids.
Stanky’s story is quite different from Sweetie’s. He grew up in a two story log and had both parents with him his whole life. He was a happy, healthy skunk until the one day his life was changed forever. He sure could learn a lot from Sweetie.
Stanky was in school one day when someone in class hollered, “What’s that on Winthrop!?” The entire class laughed at Stanky, but Stanky didn’t have a clue what was going on. He immediately went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. A large bird had pooped on Stanky on his way through the forest to school. The droppings landed in such a way that it appeared that Stanky had two white stripes that closely resembled an “X” on his back. Stanky was devastated and immediately began cleaning himself up.
When he returned to the classroom, everyone laughed at him again. From that day forward, Stanky started looking for everything that was wrong in his life. It started out rather innocently, but as the years went by Stanky really STANK all the time with his negative STINKIN’ THINKIN’. What was so true for Sweetie, was also true for Stanky. Everytime he had a thought, it always came true. The trouble was, Stanky only had STINKING thoughts!
Now, Stanky lives alone in his burrowed out dirt mound. He never takes a bath and makes fun of everyone he sees. He is always pulling mean pranks on the other little skunks. Poor Stanky. He was so happy in his nice clean two story log. But now he is mean, nasty, and STANKY! Maybe someday soon, someone will help Stanky with his negative STINKIN’ THINKIN’ and help him change his STINKIN’ life back to a happy one once and for all.
Do you want to read about Sweetie?
Out of nowhere the boy’s parents showed up to see what he was laughing at. The boy’s mom and dad stopped dead in their tracks and looked as though they had seen a ghost. They moved ever so slowly and told the boy to back away from the Sweetie. The boy just kept saying, “Kitty! Kitty!” and would not move. After a few minutes the parents watched in amazement as Sweetie played with their son. Sweetie was having a blast and had forgotten that her initial goal was to get some food, but when the parents started packing their bags, they pulled out a nice peanut butter and jelly sandwich and some strawberries and laid them out for Sweetie. SCORE!
Twiggy watched with astonishment as Sweetie came back and halved the sandwich and strawberries to share with her. Sweetie told Twiggy her SECRET, and neither of them have been the same since.
Now Sweetie teaches all the little stinkers in her neighborhood forest. She is making a major difference in their lives and always has a smile on her face and love in her heart.
Do you want to read about Stanky?
She and her best friend Twiggy were out playing in a park close to a lake. They were running and having a good time. Twiggy must have had some STENCH in her that day because when they both saw a picnic basket on a park bench Twiggy said, “I bet I can’t even get close to the basket, and I bet I get something thrown at me again.” Sure enough, Twiggy got exactly what she had imagined. As she lurked within a few feet of the basket, the father of the family hollered, picked up a stick, and threw it at her. The stick actually hit Twiggy right on the back, and boy did that cause a STINK to spew out! The family screamed, picked up their basket, and sprinted to their nearby car. What a SMELLY scene this was!
Sweetie thought back to her chocolate cake and apple experiment. They walked a while and saw another basket. Sweetie turned to Twiggy, “Watch and learn. I am going to walk up and get something SWEET to eat, AND I will even get a smile from the people.” Sweetie walked straight to the basket. Just on the other side of the basket was a 3 year old boy. The boy instantly said, “Kitty! Kitty!” The boy was actually calling Sweetie to him. She walked right up to him, and he started petting her very gently. The next thing you know Sweetie was doing tricks for the boy and rolling around. The boy laughed heartily as Sweetie flipped and jumped on the blanket.
Our Favorite Stinkin’ Links!
The Kindness Challenge Event
– Denton Arts & Jazz Festival
Here’s some STINKIN’ COOL links for you to check out
Justin Clarke – – Amazing site around kindness, just “beecuase”
Meda Killgore – – Incredible site all about forgiveness and healing tools
Michael Chase – – Awesome site about Kindness
Pay it Forward Today – – Great site for paying it forward