In this delightful book, Experience Your Good Now!, Louise L. Hay discusses the power and importance of affirmations and shows you how to apply them right now! Within these pages, Louise discusses specific topics and concerns (health, fearful emotions, addictions, prosperity issues, love and intimacy, and more) and presents exercises that show you how to make beneficial changes to virtually every area of your life. On the enclosed CD, Louise offers you helpful information about affirmations that you can also use to your benefit.

In celebration of the release of Experience Your Good Now!, Louise and Hay House are giving away a spot on their next cruise to the Caribbean in January 2011! Don’t miss this unique opportunity to spend a week with some of your favorite Hay House authors! SHARE with your friends to earn extra entries. Additional Details:

A couple of weeks ago I was working on a last minute project.  It was one of those projects that have you working long hours over multiple straight days.  Some of you may be aware of this but recently we adopted my son’s dog and my best friend, Rooney.  She has been a complete blessing in more ways than you can imagine.

After 4 straight days of watching me sit at the computer and work, she decided to take matters in her own “paws.”  During these long hours, she started jumping in my lap, probably just wanting some much needed attention.  On the fourth day after many hours of work, I had to run an errand and had her go for the ride with me.  That is something she loves.  When we got home, I sat back down in my desk chair.  Rooney immediately jumped in my lap.  I thought, that’s sweet. 

My head was turned away from the screen as I reached for the keyboard.  Something was different though.  Something was keeping me from reaching the keyboard.  I tried again, same result.  On the third time I put a little more force to it and turned my head to see what in the world was going on.  I looked down and Rooney had both of her paws on my right arm.  As I reached with more force, I saw her wrap her paws around my arm and then throw all of her weight on it with a determination I had never seen before.  I totally cracked up.  I realized she figured out that when my hands were on the keyboard, she got zero attention and was determined to make me play with her.

I immediately stopped work for the night and we played tug-of-war and I chased her around the house until she was wiped out (and me too!).  Sometimes we need subtle reminders to take a break.  Rooney gave me that reminder and I am very grateful that she did.

With peace and gratitude,

This month’s “Meet The Peeps” from my monthly Positive Pathways Newsletter is Jeff Gottlieb.  I was very fortunate to meet Jeff Gottlieb several weeks ago.  He and his wife have written several inspirational children’s books called, Spriggles.  Spriggles is actually a combination of spirit and giggles.  Now how cool is that? 
Jeff is an ACE-certified personal trainer, Level 1 Yoga instructor, and certified golf conditioning specialist, has been a writer for 20 years, having concentrated on film and television. He’s now turned his attention to writing the Spriggles Motivational Book Series as well as developing future Spriggles projects for film, television, and video.

Here’s my short interview with Jeff:

Bill: What type of work are you doing today?
Jeff: We are the authors and publishers of Spriggles Motivational Books for Children.  Spriggles combines “spirit” and “giggles” to motivate and educate young children to lead healthy, active, and energetic lives.
Spriggles is a part of our larger business, Expressions of Health.

Bill: How would you explain the following phrase: “What you think about you bring about?”
Jeff: We are huge advocates of the concepts of manifestation, visualization, and setting intentions as the course for what we attain in life.  As the laws of quantum physics tell us that we are nothing more than physical manifestations of assorted energy fields, it only makes sense that as we learn to control those fields with intention and visualization, we can bring about what we want to bring about.  In our lives as certified yoga, reiki, and reflexology practitioners, these concepts are vital to us as well as to our clients.

Bill: If you could go back and talk to your 18 year old self, what would you tell him?
Jeff: I would tell him, “You don’t know a fraction of what you think you do.”  At that age I knew it all and had little room for the advice of parents and others who had the benefit of experience. And I might also say, “Start your IRA NOW!”

Bill: What do you want people to remember the most about you after you have gone?
Jeff: I want to be remembered as someone who cared, who understood that he was part of a greater whole, and who finally realized that every move he made and idea he had, no matter how small or large, affected the entire world so you might as well make each move and idea a positive one.

Bill: Thank you so very much for sharing your wisdom with us today. What you are doing is simply incredible and I am very excited to help share your message.
Jeff: Thanks so much Bill!  Please let me know if there’s anything else you need.

Earlier this week I had a Daily Positive Points email that stirred up a lot of positive feedback.  See below for the full Daily Positive Points.  Thank you to everyone who sent me comments, feedback and posted on Facebook. Here was the email:

Daily Positive Points – From 4/15/10

Today’s Message

There are two basic ways we can live our lives. We can be positive or we can be negative. There is really no middle ground here. Sure, some days we will struggle and have a lousy day. However, if we have more positive thoughts than negative ones, we are living some kind of SWEET life. We also get to experience life as a miracle and will experience happiness more often.

 Today’s Quote

“There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.” Albert Einstein (German born American Physicist, Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921. 1879-1955)

I wanted to take a moment and expand upon it just a bit. The idea came to me as I was thinking about positive and negative thinking. My believe is that people are either more positive or more negative. That is where the idea for Daily Positive Pointscame from. I believe that if we consciously try to be more positive than negative about life, chances are that we will. Certainly things happen during that day that brings up negative thinking and there really isn’t anything we can do about it. However, the key is to not stay in that negative state for very long.

The goal of my websites is to help kids, young adults and adults become more aware of negative thinking. As we travel through life we are presented choices. We can choose to be positive most of the time or we can choose to be negative most of the time. Sometimes we are not aware of how bad our negative thinking has gotten. This is where awareness comes in. When we become aware of negative thinking we can then do something about it. Hopefully we will choose to eliminate the negative thoughts or change it to something positive.

With loads of gratitude,


There are a few book campaigns going on today that you take a moment to check out.

Robin Sharma’s The Leader Who Had No Title helps you with confidence, productivity and provides a slew of other important skills.  There are all sorts of prizes, like 24 iPods being given away along with a ton of bonus gifts for purchasing the book.

Scott Blum’s Summer’s Path is another book you to check out. The endorsement from Debbie Ford just about says it all: “On this transformational journey, Blum shares profound life lessons on how to overcome adversity when life deals you the most unfortunate of hands. This healing book is an insightful gift of hope and wisdom for anyone who finds themselves in difficult situations. A must-read.”Debbie Ford, the co-author of The Shadow Effect

With peace and gratitude,


Last week we moved the launch of my next book, STINKIN’ THINKIN’ STINKS, to the fall.  This will coincide nicely with the launch of school and allows us more time to do promotions.  The book itself is scheduled to go the final editor within the next two weeks.  After that is complete, the book will head to interior book design.  We completed the book cover last week and boy, it looks awesome!  We have a few illustrations to add and I recently decided to create a companion workbook for the exercises.  By moving the date, it allows me to complete the workbook by the launch date.  Will keep you posted as the book flows through the publishing process.

With gratitude and peace,


I was thinking about the topic, do negative thoughts have any weight to them?  My first response was, no, they couldn’t.  However, the more I thought about them, the more I started to change my mind.  We all know that negative thoughts will certainly hold us back and keep us from making choices that inspire us.  But does negative thinking actually equate into something you can see on the scales?  I am not sure that we could ever know for sure but it did get me thinking. 

Since I believe that what you focus on expands, then it could be true for your weight (or any other thing you don’t like about yourself).  If you are constantly telling yourself you are overweight, chances are that you will tend to draw that to you.   I believe that the opposite is also true as long as you follow your intuition.  If you use a positive affirmation, you will need to follow it up by a positive action.  You can’t just affirm, “I am so thin” when you know you are 30lbs overweight and immediately afterward eat something really unhealthy for you.  That approach doesn’t work because deep down you know that it is unhealthy for you.   I will say I am all for positive affirmations.  Just be sure to compliment them with positive actions.

Peace and gratitude,


During the month of March, I thought it would be cool to do a contest.  To participate, all you have to do is forward  any of my Daily Positive Points emails to friends, family, co-workers and anyone else you think would benefit from positive messages.  When you are done, send me an email to with the number of the people you forwarded it to.  Your name will be entered into the drawing for each person you forwarded it to.  There will be (1) Grand Prize valued at $450!
Prize #1: Certificate for one month of life coaching ($397 value)
Prize #2: Personalized autographed copy of my book 7 Days to Inner Peace ($19.95 Value)
Prize #3: The student’s and teacher’s editions of my adolescents’ eBooks ($19.90 Value)
Prize #4: (4) super cool affirmation screensavers ($12.95 Value)
If you haven’t signed up for our Daily Positive Points emails and would like to, click here and select “Join Our List.”

With peace and gratitude,


From Daily Positive Points 02/25/10

Today’s Message: When we create goals we increase the beauty of our lives because we know the direction we want to go.  The more we plan, the more we succeed by charting our course in advance.
Today’s Quote: “Without goals, and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination.” Fitzhugh Dodson (Author, 1924-1993)

Sign up for the daily messages for free at and select “Join Our List” at the top of the page.

With peace and gratitude,


I was thinking today about my goals and how I can get myself too consumed with achieving them.  It is like I WILL NOT accept anything less than a success.  As I thought more about it, having that attitude is not so good.  To achieve goals, you have to do several things: 1) Decide what you desire, 2) Visualize the success, 3) Take decisive action to achieving it, 4) Be willing to change it, 5) Turn it over to the universe to deliver.  My problem is that I am REALLY good with numbers 1-3 and sometimes not so good with 4&5.

It dawned on me that being successful is not just about achieving my goals but also about the quality of my life.  If I achieve all my goals but am exhausted, unhappy or stressed out, then that is really not a success at all.  One positive take away from all this is that the simple awareness of this thought will help me make different choices in the future.  When things don’t seem to be working out on a particular goal, rather than working myself into a frenzy, I can look to where the goal is taking me and change it up just a bit if it feels right.  I will use my gut to determine if I need to change it while also being aware that fear could be driving that decision.  I believe that when you look at things objectively and thoroughly evaluate the options, your intuition will provide you with what you need.

I would love to here your feedback.  Post a comment here or send me a note from my website,

With tons and tons and tons of gratitude,
