IDS_Stickers_cardWe WANT you!  Calling all writers and bloggers.  Here is your opportunity to get exposure while also making a positive difference in the world!  I believe that my new book, STINKIN’ THININ’ STINKS is one of the most powerful positive thinking books for kids ever written.  It is fun, entertaining yet provides real exercises that they will actually use.

Go to to read more about what the book is about and how YOU can get involved.

With peace and gratitude,

I am very excited to say that yesterday I placed the advanced order for my new book, STINKIN’ stinkin_thinkin_book-coverTHINKIN’ STINKS: A Kid’s Guide to the Lighter Side of Life.  I received the first hardcopy and made a few minor changes and now we are ready to go! SaWEET!  Release date is October 29, 2013!

This has been quite a long project for me.  It is actually the longest project I have ever worked on, by far.  I would like to invite you to help me get the word our on October 29, 2013.  Check out to see how you can help me.  We CAN and WILL have a positive impact on the lives of lots of people.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

While this may not be considered specifically one of the books on bullying, it does provide tools and technique to help deal with it.  It also does address a few forms of bullying.  For more information about bullying, click on the “Bullying STINKS” barrel on the left side of the page.

With total gratitude,


Parents are often the ones to hear of a story about bullying in school, in the neighborhood, or at the park. Bullying or repeated aggression can be verbal, psychological or physical. It can take the form of name calling, teasing, hitting or picking on someone weaker. It is not a one-time aggression. It is repeatedly performed for some time. A story about bullying can involve an individual or group.

In schools, bullying is a perennial problem. The problem is prevalent because most students who are bullied do not report the act or take a long time for them to do so. Victims often feel ashamed and are afraid of retaliation because bullying often happens where there are no adults around such as in school hallways or on the way to and from school. This makes the victims feel vulnerable to retaliation.

Children who are shy or fearful, physically weaker, less skilled, less assertive or do not make friends easily are picked on by bullies, while children who bully are often stronger, more aggressive and less tempered.

When a child tells you a story about bullying, try to listen instead of just dismiss the incident as ‘part of growing up’. Make an appointment with the teacher and discuss how to deal with the situation. Work in partnership with the school to ensure your child’s safety. There should be sufficient monitoring and parents should coordinate with school authorities in addressing the problem. The school needs to implement a comprehensive anti-bullying program. Every school must have an appropriate response or a management plan that addresses the problem dealing with bullying behavior.


We often hear of people seeing the glass as half empty or half full. These two spell a world of difference in thinking and action, and mean the difference between positive and negative.

Lots of positive thinking books written by experts in recent years offer heaps of sound advice. These positive thinking books are often self-help books. But positive thinking books do not teach us to see the world through rose-colored lenses by ignoring or avoiding life’s negative side. They say positive thinking means viewing a bad situation in a positive light and trying to turn it into your advantage. They mean to say that positive thinking involves choosing to see the best in yourself, in things, and in other people.

Optimists do not blame themselves when bad things happen. They only acknowledge these things as a temporary setback. They also give themselves credit for the good things that happen.

Pessimists, on the other hand, normally blame themselves for bad things that happen and they do not take enough credit for successful results. They also seem to treat failure as a likelihood and somewhat long-lasting.

People who choose to think positively are less affected by stress. They also tend to exercise more regularly, follow a sensible diet program and stick to healthy practices. Having a positive outlook in life is what makes people happy and fulfilled. It can help manage stress and affect your overall health and well-being. Positive thinking and optimistic attitude help lessen stress, lower depression, improve coping skills and psychological health, and increase physical well-being which all contribute to a longer life span.

Everyone knows someone who has either been a bully or a victim of bullying, and it’s important to review information about bullying to help stop the problem.

Victims are often embarrassed or humiliated and as a result don’t report the problem, and unfortunately bullies commonly deny any involvement. You can be alert and observant to get Information about bullying. Children who are being bullied usually come home with physical signs like bruises, cuts and scratches which they cannot explain. Sometimes torn clothing or damaged books are telltale signs of the problem. A child may show fear or reluctance to go to school and make up excuses to avoid doing so. He can also become irritable or depressed.

A person who bullies others will display signs of being domineering and may use threats in order to control others. Other children at home, in school or in the neighborhood are often afraid of him or her and he boasts about being better than the rest. He or she is usually impulsive, hot-tempered, impatient, rebellious, antisocial or frequently associates with other kids of questionable behavior.

With all the information about bullying that you can get, the first thing you can do is to contact your child’s teacher immediately. Your child spends most of his time in school during the day so you must work in collaboration with the school. Even if it stirs up strong feelings, avoid getting too emotional about it. Remember,

Today’s Message

Stinkin’ Thinkin’ Stinks! There’s no doubt about it!  So, even though it’s Monday, go ahead and break the cycle! Think positive thoughts!  Say positive words!  And do positive deeds! Only good will come of your efforts!


I am a positive, powerful force for good!  Only goodness and love come from me and those around me today.

Today’s Quote

“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.” – Willie Nelson

A lot of parents who are worried about their children’s behavior and well-being use the internet to look up information on bullying for kids. This article outlines the most important ideas about bullying among the youth and offers suggestions for dealing with it successfully.

Firstly, no matter what kind of bullying (emotional, physical, social or cyberbullying) is taking place, adults should be notified and should react immediately, otherwise the victim will feel abandoned and uncared for, which in turn can lead to more problems, such as low grades, lack of self-confidence, depression, troubling thoughts etc.

Secondly, in order to be able to act on time, make sure there is an atmosphere of security and trust at home or at school, because only if children feel safe and loved will they be honest to you and confess what’s going on in their lives. Websites that offer information on bullying for kids emphasize how essential this open communication is and recommend taking the matter of abuse seriously and nipping it in the bud. If undesirable behavior is not dealt with straight away, it sends a signal to the aggressor that it is OK to pick on someone.

Finally, all children should be advised on how to act when confronted with a bully. It is important not to show fear and panic, but to remain civil and calm, regardless of the insults thrown at you. If it is possible, momentarily alert your friends or other people you trust about what’s happening. If it is not possible to do that immediately, then report the abuse as soon as you can.

Although most people have some experience of being bullied at school, at work or in some other place, it often happens that they are unable to help others who are dealing with the same problem. This is why it is recommendable to read bullying books in order not only to get consolation and feel less alone, but also to learn how to detect bullying traits in yourself and others and how to handle physical or psychological abuse.

Bullying affects both the bully and the victim, but other people are involved in the process, too. There are several different kinds of bystanders and all of them are negatively influenced by what’s going on in front of their eyes – some will join the bully and become aggressors themselves; some will think “It’s none of my business” and walk away without helping a fellow human being; some will feel the urge to intervene and separate those involved, but will be too afraid to do so, which in turn will result in a feeling of shame and guilt for not acting. All bullying books suggest that the most efficient way of handling such matters is by reporting them to an authority (a parent, teacher, etc.) the moment they take place, otherwise it is difficult to gather evidence and prove what really occurred.

Victims usually get more attention and professional help than bullies, but it should be known that aggressors are also in dire need of psychological guidance in order to improve their anger management. Apart from abusing others, bullies often act destructively towards themselves as well and exhibit many antisocial forms of behavior, such as stealing, lying, vandalizing property, fighting etc. Bullying books can help both the victim and the bully become more functional members of society.


There are numerous resources such as websites, books, newspapers etc. that offer a wealth of information on bullying. Although each one of us has been verbally or physically abused at one time or another, this is not considered bullying unless it is done by intent to demean.

Bullying can occur in various surroundings: at home, at school, in the workplace, in the neighborhood… and it does not take place only among the youth. It is true that teens tend to behave more aggressively and violently towards each other, but adults can also lack the necessary “brakes” that will prevent them from venting frustration on others. Anyone who looks up information on bullying will find a lot of useful advice on how to develop coping skills and deal with bullies, but also how not to become one.

Physical scars that bullying leaves on a victim usually heal quickly, but it is emotional scars that a person can be left with for a lifetime. It is therefore not uncommon for victims to experience some kind of personality disorder, depression, to become more susceptible to alcohol or drug addiction, or more unpredictable and isolated.

The role of the bystander is crucial when it comes to bullying. A bystander should not be a passive observer of injustice and abuse, but should immediately report the case to an authority figure and ask for help. All statistics that provide information on bullying indicate that unless bullying is dealt with at an early stage (i.e. when it first appears), chances are that it will become the norm within the group, so the victims will keep silent and accept bullying as a normal part of growing up.


If you are looking for advice on how to respond to bullying, it may be wise to read a bullying story that offers a true account of someone’s experience in this matter. It is widely known that bullying leaves a permanent mark on one’s behavior and that it can have numerous negative effects: eating and sleep disorders, irrational fears, depression, suicidal thoughts, anxieties, low self-confidence, and low self-image etc. This makes reading about bullying and learning about various ways of fighting it a very important task all of us should accomplish.

Victims feel uncomfortable and unworthy, blame themselves for the problem and often refuse to talk to anyone about it or to ask for help. Gradually over time, victims lose friends and start finding it increasingly difficult to make new ones, so they feel lonely, abandoned and unloved, which can lead to additional problems that persist through life.

Secondly, even though a bullying story may contain a lot of terrible descriptions of suffering and abuse, it is nevertheless recommendable to read, because it will show the victim that he or she is not alone, that other people have experienced the same or even worse problems and have found successful and efficient ways of dealing with them and returning to normal life after a period of struggle. This optimistic ending inspires hope and gives strength to those who need it the most.