81 to 90 – Take a shower, write some affirmations, & start the “Take Out Your STINKING Trash” Exercise

Since the idea of a shower is to cleanse yourself of any dirt, it also has a subtle meaning that you are ready to be aware of your negative STINKING thoughts. You probably STINK really bad, so you will need to do three things to get your STINK out:

1) Take a shower;
2) Write 10 affirmations;
3) Do the “Take Out Your STINKING Trash” Exercise from the prescription range 71 to 80.

After you take your shower and SMELL good, start writing at least 10 affirmations. You can “click here” to few ones already written to assist you. Then work through the “Take Out Your STINKING Trash” exercise. Start today. You deserve beautiful, wonderful things to show up in your life.

To learn more about each of these exercises or to learn more exercises and techniques, you can purchase my book, The Building Blocks of Awareness: Seven Days to Inner Peace. Just“contact me” to let me know you wish to purchase a copy until my online bookstore is complete.

71 to 80 – Do the “Take Out Your STINKING Trash” Exercise

Negative thoughts STINK and I don’t want you to STINK no more! As a result, I have developed aSTINKING exercise to help you get your STINK out. It is a fun and easy exercise to keep you fromSTINKING up your house, your neighborhood, your school, your work and your entire town. It incorporates the STINKING tracking approach mentioned in chapter 2 however has a few new parts.

If you are ready to get your STINK out, try the following exercise and you will be well on your way to not STINKING any more. By working through this exercise, you will not only not STINK, you will begin to SMELL GOOD! When you SMELL GOOD, you are able to change the STINKOCITY of your immediate surroundings. So go on, SMELL GOOD and share your GOOD SMELL with others from now on!

Start by taking a piece of paper and write Mon-Tues-Wed-Thurs-Fri-Sat-Sun across the top of the page. Draw a line down between each day of the week. Like this:

Next, get a piece of paper or a small notepad and carry it with you all day. It does not matter where you go or what you do, carry it with you all day. Do this every day for the next week. Every time a STINKING thought pops up, say “Thank you for sharing. I am becoming aware of my STINKING thoughts. Thank you.”

Take a pencil or pen and put a mark on the paper or pad.
Just before going to bed, add the marks up.
Put that number in the appropriate day of the week column.

Now the fun part.

After entering the total on your chart, take the tally sheet you used that day and rip it into as many small pieces as you have marks for that day. For example, if you had 50 STINKING thoughts that day, tear the paper into exactly 50 pieces.
Get a LARGE plastic container with a lid and fill it with water.
Dump your STINKING thoughts into the water and place in your freezer. You might prefer an outdoor freezer for this, but it is ok if it is indoors.
Each morning, prepare for a new day by getting a clean tally sheet and setting your frozen container out in the sink to thaw.
Continue doing this for 7 days.
At the end of the day, start back at the top by entering your total on the chart and tearing your tally sheet into as many pieces as you had STINKING thoughts. Continue this for the whole week.
You will notice as the days pass, your old negative thoughts will begin to really STINK! Know that’s what they do to your life too!
On the last night, drain the water and take a big whiff of the STINKING soggy mess. Throw it in the waste bin!.

61 to 70 – Do Building Block 4 – Positive Thoughts

Go to a quiet place, get comfortable, close your eyes, and try to clear your mind. For about 2 minutes, take slow, deep breaths and visualize that you are inhaling peace and exhaling stress.. For the next three minutes:

Reflect on the thought, notice how you feel about the thought and what emotions you are tying to it. What positive emotions or feelings come out of the experience?
Repeat the thought again and again slowly as you consider its meaning in your life.
Concentrate on feelings of thankfulness and have an expectation that great things are going to follow during the day.
Lastly, picture a positive event taking place in your near future. It is very important to visualize it and notice the positive feelings you associate with it. Place your crystal clear intention into God’s hands, knowing it is fulfilled.

Building Block 4 – Positive Thoughts

“Today, I release the negative thoughts that have been persistent in my mind.” Any time a negative thought of any kind comes to my mind, say, “That thought doesn’t mean anything.“

To learn more about each of these exercises or to learn more exercises and techniques, you can purchase my book, The Building Blocks of Awareness: Seven Days to Inner Peace. Just“contact me” to let me know you wish to purchase a copy until my online bookstore is complete.

51 to 60 – Write 5 affirmations and practice them daily

Affirmations are one of the key ingredients to getting rid of your unappealing STENCH. They offer a way to stop the STINKING thinking and start helping you SMELL GOOD.

Did you know that pretty much everyone uses affirmations every daily without even knowing it? Have you ever heard someone say, “I am terrible at math.”, or “I am sick and tired…”, or even “I am so angry?” Believe it or not, each one of these is an actual affirmation. It is just that we have come so accustomed to saying them, we do not realize we are really just sending out STINKING thoughts that ultimately send us back STINKING things in return.

I caution you here. Whenever you say “I am…” together, that is one of the very most strongest affirmations ever said. The key is to make sure that you put something that has SWEET SCENTS versus negative STINKING things immediately after “I am.”

Not to worry, below I have listed several affirmations that will get you started. Use them or write your own but the key is to say them daily. I suggest starting out by writing 5 affirmations down (or use 5 from the list below) and saying them three times a day. Read them when you first wake up, some time around lunch, then right before you go to bed. Pay close attention to the SWEET things that will start to show up in your life.

Affirmations on Kindness
I Am a good person and I do kind things for others.
I Am excited about doing things for others today.
I Am happy today and I will share this with other people today.
I Am dedicated to do kind things today.
I Am committed to make a difference in the world today.
I Am determined to do kindness several times today.

Affirmations on Happiness
I Am determined to remain happy today.
I Am a happy person today.
I Am happy today and I will share my happiness with others.
I Am filled with happiness today.
I Am dedicated to share my happiness today.
I Am aware of staying happy all day today.

Affirmations on Positive Thoughts
I Am dedicated to staying positive today.
I Am a positive person filled with love and joy.
I Am a powerful magnet for all positive outcomes in my life.
I Am committed to keeping a positive outlook today.
I Am dedicated to keeping track of my positive thoughts today.
I Am a positive person able to attract anything I want.
I Am very grateful to have positive things happen to me today.

Affirmations on Abundance
I Am a powerful magnet for money and happiness.
I Am a powerful magnet for my desires. Oceans of money flow to me.
I Am deserving of abundance and happiness.
I Am worthy of all the magnificent things I create.
I Am one step closer to creating my desires.
I Am dedicating to creating abundance in all aspects of my life.

Affirmations on Spirituality
I Am a holy extension of God.
I Am connected to God and the Angels.
I Am deserving of God’s grace.
I Am dedicated to learn more about God and the Angels.
I Am worthy of God’s plan for me.
I Am connected to everyone I see.
I Am guided by Angels daily.
I Am deserving of God’s beauty.

To learn more about each of these exercises or to learn more exercises and techniques, you can purchase my book, The Building Blocks of Awareness: Seven Days to Inner Peace. Just“contact me” to let me know you wish to purchase a copy until my online bookstore is complete.

41 to 50 – Do the “Hey, SMELL This!”

This is one of my favorite exercises. My family and I do a version of this exercise January 1st every year. It is such a powerful tool so I suggest you start working on it immediately.

Before you start this exercise, you will need the following ingredients:
1 Poster Board; 3 Full Sheets of Construction Paper (Pick a variety of colors but they cannot be Red or Black); 7 index cards (or pieces of paper approximately that size); 1 pen or pencil; Tape or glue; 1 Scented marker; 1 Can of Air Freshener (Pick a Fragrance that you LOVE); scissors

Step 1 – The Hearts
The first step of this exercise is to cut out 3 large hearts from the 3 pages of construction paper. Each heart will represent a different theme: 1) Tracking your SWEET SMELLING thoughts, 2) Items you collected that reinforce your SWEET thoughts, & 3) Positive SWEET emotions you experience as a result of tracking your SWEET SMELLING thoughts. Now label the 3 hearts, 1) SWEET SMELLING Thoughts, 2) I Attracted, & 3) SWEET Emotions.

Step 2 – The Poster
Write “I SMELL Good!” at the top of the poster board. Tape or glue the hearts on the construction paper wherever you like. In the blank areas of the poster board where the hearts are not at, fill in with things you would like in your life. You can cut out pictures from magazines, use real pictures, cartoons, draw your own pictures, use words, letters, numbers, etc. Somewhere in those blank spaces you need to have a positive emotions you would like to experience. Examples include: Love, Happiness, Joy, Peace, Courage, Gratitude, etc.

Step 3 – Daily Work
In the morning, take out one of the 7 index cards and carry it with you all day. It does not matter where you go or what you do, just carry it with you all day. Do this every day for the next week.Every time a single SWEET SMELLING thought pops up, say “Thank you. Ahhh!” This means that you are now tracking your positive or SWEET SMELLING thoughts. I personally love this exercise and I am sure that you will to. Since what you focus on EXPANDS, having SWEET SMELLING thoughts bring more SWEET SMELLING things to you.

Step 4 – Updating Heart #1
At night, update the heart labeled “SWEET SMELLING Thoughts” with the SWEET SMELLING marks from the day. Start by spraying the fragrance can around the board. Take a nice breadth and say “I SMELL GOOD!” then write the date and the number of marks for the day. An example would be: 4/19 – 8, 4/20 – 13, 4/21 – 18.

Step 5 – Updating Heart #2
At night, update the heart labeled “I Attracted” if any items in the blank spaces have showed up in your life. Start by spraying the fragrance can around the board. Take a nice breadth and say “I SMELL GOOD!” For example, if you listed new phone and you received one today, then “move” it from the blank spaces to the heart. You do this by drawing an arrow and then either drawing another picture in the heart or simply spelling out what you got.

Step 6 – Updating Heart #3
At night, update the heart labeled “SWEET Emotions” if you had any really good feelings during the day. Start by spraying the fragrance can around the board. Take a nice breadth and say “I SMELL GOOD!” If they happen to be labeled in the blank spaces, move them as mentioned above in step 6.

Step 7 – Final Step
Show your poster to your friends, family members, or anyone you would like to. Before you tell them what you are doing, preface it by saying “I SMELL GOOD!” Then explain your new SWEET SMELLING poster.

To learn more about each of these exercises or to learn more exercises and techniques, you can purchase my book, The Building Blocks of Awareness: Seven Days to Inner Peace. Just“contact me” to let me know you wish to purchase a copy until my online bookstore is complete.

31 to 40 – Do Building Block 7 – Love and Gratitude

Go to a quiet place, get comfortable, close your eyes, and try to clear your mind. For about 2 minutes, take slow, deep breaths and visualize that you are inhaling peace and exhaling stress.. For the next three minutes:

Reflect on the thought, notice how you feel about the thought and what emotions you are tying to it. What positive emotions or feelings come out of the experience?
Repeat the thought again and again slowly as you consider its meaning in your life.
Concentrate on feelings of thankfulness and have an expectation that great things are going to follow during the day.
Lastly, picture a positive event taking place in your near future. It is very important to visualize it and notice the positive feelings you associate with it. Place your crystal clear intention into God’s hands, knowing it is fulfilled.

Building Block 7 – Love and Gratitude

“Today, I am at peace and I share my peace with everyone around me.” Any thought that invades your peace today, stop and say the Exercise of the Day again.

To learn more about each of these exercises or to learn more exercises and techniques, you can purchase my book, The Building Blocks of Awareness: Seven Days to Inner Peace. Just“contact me” to let me know you wish to purchase a copy until my online bookstore is complete.

21 to 30 – Listen to inspiring music (Mozart)

To help you get your STINK out, a very easy way to do this is to listen to inspiring music. For me, it is Mozart or any of the classical. You can listen to music with words but make sure they are inspiring lyrics. For me, having no words is the best because it allows my mind to soak in the beauty of the music and it always frees my mind up.

You can listen to music with words but make sure they have inspiring lyrics. I like having no words because it allows me to soak in the beauty of the music and free my mind of STINKING thoughts. For words with lyrics, I highly recommend the music from an artist in the UK named Bliss. Her music is amazing and my favorite songs are A Hundred Thousand Angels and Come Into the Light. Some other artist that provide inspiring lyrics that I like is by Olivia Newton-John, Karen Drucker, Collette Baron-Reid, and Sara Brightman. For music without lyrics, my absolute favorite is Mozart for your Mind by various artists. After that CD, it is Stephen Halpern’s Gifts of the Angelsand Ocean Suite. I also love a CD by Ed Smith titled Just Relax Maui.

Whatever works best for you, I suggest you make this part of your regular daily routine.

To learn more about each of these exercises or to learn more exercises and techniques, you can purchase my book, The Building Blocks of Awareness: Seven Days to Inner Peace. Just“contact me” to let me know you wish to purchase a copy until my online bookstore is complete.

11 to 20 – Do Building Block 1 – Feeling God

Go to a quiet place, get comfortable, close your eyes, and try to clear your mind. For about 2 minutes, take slow, deep breaths and visualize that you are inhaling peace and exhaling stress.. For the next three minutes:

Reflect on the thought, notice how you feel about the thought and what emotions you are tying to it. What positive emotions or feelings come out of the experience?
Repeat the thought again and again slowly as you consider its meaning in your life.
Concentrate on feelings of thankfulness and have an expectation that great things are going to follow during the day.
Lastly, picture a positive event taking place in your near future. It is very important to visualize it and notice the positive feelings you associate with it. Place your crystal clear intention into God’s hands, knowing it is fulfilled.

Building Block 1 – Feeling God

“Today, I am a holy extension of God. I notice only good things throughout my day.” Throughout the day, look for things that are pleasant to you. As you do this exercise, you will notice that more of what enhances your emotions will appear, or that it is easier and easier to be in a pleasant mood.

To learn more about each of these exercises or to learn more exercises and techniques, you can purchase my book, The Building Blocks of Awareness: Seven Days to Inner Peace. Just“contact me” to let me know you wish to purchase a copy until my online bookstore is complete.

1 to 10 – Perform a kind deed for someone

Since you SMELL so good, it is a good idea to share it with others and what better way than to do a kind deed for someone else. A really good idea is to do at least one kind deed every day. Track it for a week and see if you can accomplish that goal.
For me, I do this exercise every day. As you incorporate doing kind things for others in your life, you will see a major shift in how you look at things. I found out quickly that doing kind things for others made me feel really good and I got the added benefit of seeing their expressions of gratitude whether verbally or with a smile.

To learn more about each of these exercises or to learn more exercises and techniques, you can purchase my book, The Building Blocks of Awareness: Seven Days to Inner Peace. Just“contact me” to let me know you wish to purchase a copy until my online bookstore is complete.